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Proud Music Library - Production music for licensing for commercial use

Search for Production Music & Completely Royalty-Free Music

Royalty-Free Music

What about royalty-free music?

Completely Royalty-free music means that you as the user of the music will only pay a one-time fee for the usage of the music as long as you use it within the terms of the license bought. Proud Music does not offer rights-managed or needledrop licensing, where literally costs would occur for every single usage.

In terms of modern cross-media usage, royalty-free music is safe, reliable and comes with a clear license statement for you as music user. Royalty-Free Music is sometimes referred to as license-free music which is a wrong term, as a license is always needed, but used commonly anyway.

What kinds of royalty-free music are there?

There are two types: Completely Royalty-Free Music - grey listed tracks on our library - where the composer is NOT registered with a collecting society (PRO) and tracks from PRO-registered composers – marked yellow.

All completely royalty free music tracks rights can be licensed directly from Proud Music with no further license fees for you. For both kinds, sync right are always cleared upfront with no additional cost, however performance royalties may be attributable in the second case, depending on the type of usage and your country's royalty collecting society.

Your Royalty Free Music License

Your purchase comes with a pdf license agreement that shows you the details of your license certificate, the rights included and details about the track. You can forward this to your client, if you are creating productions for them so you have a proof of the correct license issued.
Bookmark our unbeatable qualities now!
  • Over 32.000 individual tracks + 30.000 loops and edits (Stingers, outros, intros)
  • Orchestral recordings of classical music (Bach, Mozart, Hayden, Beethoven and many more)
  • Over 10.000 tracks of completely royalty-free music. The composers of this music are not registered with any collecting society
  • Selected repertoire by our own Artist & Repertoire Management
  • Fast and direct licensing by immediate release of the license documents and the music tracks
  • Enjoy it to create/build your own playlists
  • All tracks available for free preview download in reduced mp3 audio quality

Our Licenses and prices

Questions? Mail our support team!

Choose from over 30.000 tracks:

Waveform will be available soon!

Royalty Free Production Music Library

We are a worldwide provider of Royalty Free Music and Production Music with a background of more than 200 affiliated composers and music producers.

With a team of account managers and technicians we are able to provide for you royalty free music tracks in a high quality on our website. Therefore, we carefully designed the Proud Music Library, filled up with a content of high-quality music for the multimedia, broadcast and computer games industry. The tracks are online available to listen and to license directly. To give our customers an added value we arranged our music licensing structure clearly and deliver audio instantly in 16 bit uncompressed wav cd-quality. This includes the main track and any loops and edits that are included. You also get mp3 files in high quality with optimal file size. "Music to be proud of" is our mantra.

Our royalty free music content is very diversified, ranging from Rock/Pop, Dance, Electronica up to cinematic, epic and orchestral moods. We also provide production music that is protected by Performing Rights Organisation (PROs) such as PRS, SACEM, GEMA, SIAE, IMRO, SGAE, ASCAP, BMI etc., but we also offer licenses, which are completely free from rights of the Performance Rights Organisations - important if you are dealing with corporate media. You only pay a one-time upfront license fee.

Most of the information that we think you might need has been included on the FAQ section.

To research music you can use the search engine. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly for individual consulting and productions..
Good luck with your search!
Royalty-Free Music
"Production Music" is essentially defined by two core attributes - in content and rights.

1. The license rights to a song have already been clarified by the music publisher with the authors (composers, lyricists). It is clear therefore that the music title may not be just listened, but also may be used for commercial purposes, for example to add it as background score to a movie.

Production music is therefore intended for audiovisual products. The reason to use this so calles pre-cleared music is that it saves time and money because the licensee has no longer to negotiate the scope of use with the authors or rights owner.

The Production Music from the Proud Music Library is made by authors and music production studios, who act for the media industry as the primary supplier. We provide a large online content especially for the media products. Our search engine helps you to browse our content to appropriate music.

2. Production Music is to connect particular applicability with visual media:

Our production music has been created with regard to the different requirements of media producers, agencies or companies. In the Proud Music Library, you can look for different attributes such as mood, character, genre, instrumentation or tempo - depending on what kind of music requires your current production.
Stock Music (or Production Music) is an affordable alternative to the use of well-known music in a promotional film, corporate video or commercial spot on Radio, TV, cinema or Point-of-sale. The use of Stock Music increases with streaming portals like Youtube, DailyMotion or Vimeo, because also non-commercials usages need music, e.g. for holiday films or GoPro films.

It has been produced specifically for the use in audio and audiovisual productions. Stock Music is also very often used as background music in stores, super malls, hotels or airports.

In the past stock music was delivered on CD in the Red Book audio format to allow easy cueing and rapid synchronization. Today, simple download a stock music track online and buy the license. The most tracks that are provided by stock music libraries are registered with a collecting society, for example, ASCAP, BMI, SOCAN, PRS, SIAE, PRS and APRA. For this there are extra fees for the public performance or mechanical reproduction.

Within the Proud Music Library you will find plenty of royalty-free stock music. About 1/3 of music (about 8,200 music tracks, Feb. 2016) is completely royalty-free stock music and featured as such.
Source music is the antonym to classical film score.

Film score in that sense is called “off“-music, because it is coming out of the off. An example: A romantic scene of lovers at a lonely beach is embedded in music for strings, whereas you can’t find any string orchestra at this lonely beach. :-)

In contrast, source music is “on“-music, that is music which is noticed by the characters in the film story. Thus source music takes place in the reality of the film. Some examples might be, that the characters go to a concert or clubbing, the radio or tv is on etc…. or there is a string ensemble sitting on a lonely beach. :-)

In a normal case of licensing source music artist repertoire is suitable, but in some cases you can also use production music (e.g. for music in a disco).
Instant Handling
1. Listen 2. Buy 3. Download track & License

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