50 neue Tracks zur Online-Lizenzierung in unsere Proud Music Library eingestellt. Einfach anklicken und reinhören, oder einfach unter neue Titel reinhören:
Sound of Africa, African Festival, Fugitive, Afrikaans 4, Animal, Elicottero, The Song of Baba, Multicultural Village, Lalalla‘, Soundtrack , Transoceanic, New Dehli Nights, Kasbha Life, African Nostalgia, Afrikaans 3, Afrikaans 11, Tango de Maria, Horn, Camel’s Land, Shangai Surprise, Dakar Streets, Black Shadows, Mistery Islands, Afrikaans 2, Slitta, With Sounds Painted in the Eyes, Nocturne, New Bell Prize Astral, Sequoia Forest, Experiment, Voyager, White, future anthem, For my Love, Sweet Sensation, Deep Whispers, Fondo Blu, Lunar Phase, Reflections, Green, Sky Blue, Technical visions, Mysteri, Grey, Indian Sky, Aerea, The Sounds Painted in the Eyes, Black, Afrikaans, Arkaika, Squali 3, Mondi Possibili