Stock Music is an affordable alternative to the use of well-known music in a promotional film, corporate video or commercial spot.
It has been produced specifically for the use in audio and audiovisual productions. Stock Music is also very often used as background music in stores, hotels or airports. The Proud Music Library offers licenses for sound systems to use the music as background music.

In the past stock music was delivered on CD in the Red Book audio format to allow easy cueing and rapid synchronization. Today, simple download a stock music track online. The most tracks that are provided by stock music libraries are registered with a collecting society, for example, ASCAP, BMI, SOCAN, PRS, SIAE, PRS and APRA. For this there are extra fees for the public performance or mechanical reproduction.
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In the Proud Music Library you will find plenty of royalty-free stock music. About 1/3 of music (about 10,500 songs, Feb. 2018) is completely royalty-free stock music (PRO-free) and as such also featured.