Amazon S3 can now store in Europe

Dr. Werner Vogels of Amazon just announced in his keynote at the Web 2.0 Expo today, that buckets at S3 can now, starting today, be stored in Europe by default. S3 and EC2 are in my opinion the proof of concept of a new form of solution providers saving your company building knowlegdge in areas that are not your core competency much more than previously available by tech outsourcing.

I have not yet found an official press release or european prices yet.

Update: Dr. Werner Vogels has confirmation up on his page. The prices for Europe can be found directly at the S3 page.

How to surprise Tim O’Reilly at the Keynote

Tim O'Reilly

At his Web 2.0 Expo Berlin Keynote yesterday, Tim asked the audience a question: “Are you all looking forward to the launch of the iphone in Germany?”. Clearly he was expecting a “hell, yeah, can’t wait”-kind of response.

But nearly nobody cheered! Why was that? He must have thought, all Germany is unaware of this great product, we don’t encourage innovation – you could see these thoughts on his face.

What he didn’t know, that nobody cheered because of the expensive tariffs, the traffic limit etc. The question was phrased wrong for this occasion. Statements minus context are hard to evaluate and lead to misunderstanding. So it shows, we have got a long way to go, before these visionary services he proposed can properly understand context.

If you do speak german, there is a good summary of the Keynote by Thorsten Kleinz over

Photo: Mr. Topf (CC-License)

Geek Lunch 2.0

I just came back from the lunch break at the Expo, which came out quite a surprise.

Sandwiches, an apple, mineral water in a lunch packet.

Since when have geeks switched to healthy food? No more junk food, pizza and coke? Signs of change clearly visible on the horizon 🙂


Here’s a picture I found at Flickr:

(c) xwolf