The Proud Music Library is updated constantly with tracks of all genres. More information on new tracks can be found in the news on the main page regularly.
Category: FAQ
What are the advantages of the Proud Music Library?
A summary of good reasons for using the Proud Music Library are explained on our info page.
The national copyright collecting societies
Here you can find a list of the different copyright collecting societies of our composers and the corresponding links:
Germany: GEMA “Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte” (musical recordings and performances)
Austria: AKM “Autoren, Komponisten, Musikverleger” (lyricists, composers and music publishers)
Switzerland: SUISA (Swiss Association for composers rights)
MCPS “Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society” , PRS “Performing Right Society”
USA: SESAC “Society of European Stage Authors & Composers”, ASCAP “American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers”, BMI ” Broadcast Music Incorporated”
Canada: SOCAN “Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers”
France: SACEM “Société des auteurs compositeurs et éditeurs de musique”
Norway: TONO (Copyright collective for authors and composers of musical works)
Italy: SIAE “Società Italiani degli Autori ed Editori”
Ireland: IMRO ” Irish Music Rights Organisation”
New Zealand, Australia: APRA “Australasian Performing Right Association “
Poland: ZAIKS “ZwiÄ�zek Autorów i Kompozytorów Scenicznych” (Vereinigung der Bühnenautoren und -komponisten)
Spain: SGAE “Sociedad General de Autores y Editores”
Denmark: KODA (copyrights for composers, songwriters and music publishers)
What means “1000 physical units” in the standard-license?
If you like to license music from the Proud Music Library e.g. for a corporate video, which is used for trade fairs or the company’s website and offered to be downloaded, the standard-license will cover this kind of use. Regardless of how often the video is downloaded or replayed. The limitation of 1000 units is just refering to physical units such as DVDs, CDs or memory sticks. If you want to offer your product via download, please get in contact us with an e-mail to [email protected] for an individual license.
Using background music on a website
If you or your campany wants not to use music from the Proud Music Library for advertising, simply select our standard-license. This license allows you to bring your WEBsite together with our music. For advertising use please get in contact with us: [email protected] or call us: +49 (0)6132 43 088 30
Using music for your online advertising campaign
If you like to promote your product in an online advertising campaign with great music from our Proud Music Library, please get in touch with us: 0049-(0)6132-4308830 or my mail [email protected]
The Proud Music Library contains a wide spectrum of music genres online. You can download the tracks of different genres directly and license them for your projects in marketing, advertisement, movie, electronic games or background music. Therefor the listed titles in the Proud Music Library are attributed to particular genres. Because of that the query will deliver accurate results. Beside the research of genres you can also get search results after mood, character, tempo, instrumental, etc.

The term “ramp” is used by radio broadcasting producers. In the intro of a song, there are usually no vocal sets. So, the Radio DJ can use this part as a ramp for introducing the next title. A different use case can be the early fade-in of the next track during the previous moderation, so that the ramp ends at the same time as the moderation.
Ramps also are useful for the production of corporate or product films. As production music tracks are usually instrumental tracks, the term ramps does not refer to vocals but instead to the arrangement. In this contexts the intro before the full arrangement begins serves as a ramp. Usually the end of the ramp signalises a change in visual theme, so that sound and image synchronously generate attention.
Under the name CELAS the german collecting society GEMA (Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte) and the british MCPS-PRS (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society – Performing Right Society) Alliance offer since january 2007 a conjointly licensing possibility for music repertoire of the EMI Music Publishing company. The particularity of the CELAS is the unique possibility to acquire a pan-european license for the repertoire of the major EMI Music Publishing. The CELAS shall at this become the main point of contact for transnational online licensing.
Are licences by Proud Music for unlimited use?
The Advertising (Online) license, Reproduction license, the Public Address license and the Standard license are granted world wide for an unlimited period of time. The Advertising (TV) license and Advertising (Radio&Cinema) license stay valid one year.