Every week, Proud Music Library adds 40 to 100 tracks to its collection. If you click on the search button under the menu tab, you can see how many we offer at this time. Through this search, you have access to all titles available, and may also verify the actual number of titles. Here, you may also obtain a general idea of which titles are licensed as completely royalty free music.
Category: General
Viral videos: an example created by Serviceplan
This video is an example of a viral video created by the advertising agency Serviceplan in Munich (Germany) for Pattex, a well-known glue produced by Henkel AG Co. & KGaA. The theme, composed and produced by Frank Herrlinger, is called “Loops of Fun”. You can find this and many other titles in the Proud Music Library.
The above is an example of what we have come to know as a viral video. Although originally, the Internet was meant to be used as a scientific tool by the Pentagon and never as the source of communication as we know it (nethistory.info), it has become not only that, but also a vehicle for entertainment, information, and marketing, among other things. In the early to mid ‘90s, viral videos were those people sent as examples of bloopers or funny animations set to known songs like that of B.J. Thomas’ “Hooked on a Feeling” in “Dancing Baby” (also featured in Ally McBeal), and their length was between 19 and 25 seconds long. Nowadays, many product and artist promotions are done through the creation of videos and are easily accessible to anyone through pages such as YouTube. One instant success that comes to mind is Susan Boyle’s appearance on Britain’s Got Talent in 2009 through the promotion of her video on that site. The Pattex advertisement video is clearly another example of the innumerable possibilities that the World Wide Web represents.
Ten film jest przykładem wideo stworzonego przez agencjÄ� reklamowÄ� Serviceplan w Monachium (Niemcy) dla Pattex, znanego kleju produkowanego przez Henkel AG Co. & KGaA. Temat, skomponowany i wyprodukowany przez Frank Herrlinger, nosi nazwÄ� “Loops of Fun”. Ten i wiele innych tytułów można znaleźÄ� w Proud Music Library.
What is Royalty free music?
Is it free music?
The definition of royalty free music denotes a onetime licensing fee. This form of licensing differs from the traditional one in that earlier, licensing was paid for every minute, second and moment of use of a particular work of music. But the term can be misleading. Royalty free does not mean that broadcasting time, for example, is completely free.

It helps you achieve your goal
Networks and radio stations pay for a license that allows them to broadcast that music at particular times and at particular moments. They are required to keep track of the number of broadcasts on a cue sheet so that music broadcast can be recorded properly and then, royalties are distributed accordingly to the musicians, composers, and music publishers. In other words, royalty free music means that you pay in this case a onetime licensing fee, but to use in your own productions regardless of how often you use it. Still, in this manner, royalty free music is made more accessible to the common public. Whether you are a teacher in a classroom who would like to make presentations more dynamic, a student working on a project, a friend working on a special present, or if you are trying to find the right way to propose by creating the appropriate mood, royalty free music helps you achieve your goal.
It is not free music
Royalty-free means not that the piece of music is free to use. The most royalty-free music tracks are registered with a domestic or foreign collecting society. This means that the use of a piece of music must be reported with a registration form (=cue sheet) to the local collecting society, e.g. ASCAP.
When using royalty-free music in commercials or advertisements, although the use of the license price is often limited but already clarified, so that there will be no complicated negotiations with rights holders muß (pre-cleared music). That’s why this is called rather Production Music. or Stock Music. But Stock Music is often music where the composer is not registered with any domestic or foreign collecting society. In the Proud Music Library you find this music under the label “completely royalty-free music”.
Artist & Repertoire (A&R)
Originally, A&R (also known as Find and Sign) was a department in a label company that was in charge of finding prospective artists and matching them with a style and product that would sell. It was the job of the A&R manager to scout these artists and sign them to the label, and their responsibilities included providing negotiations, booking recording sessions, and selecting and marketing songs for the musicians. Nowadays, the position of an A&R manager still exists, but with a twist: he now usually searches for artists who have already found their style and developed their music. At Proud Music, we are very pleased to call Frank Herrlinger our A&R manager.
Pop Music
“Pop music” as a term exists since the mid 1920s. It used to mean plainly: popular music. Popular music encompassed anything from classical to jazz, blues, and rock ’n’ roll, but, as times changed, the meaning of the word evolved as well. In the 1950s, with the novelty from Elvis Presley and in the 1960s the novelty of The Beatles, popular music started being coined as a term to describe the music of preference of a larger targeted audience, namely that of adolescents. It is the kind of music characterized by being tuneful, up-tempo and repetitive (Encarta 2009). Many groups and singers have experienced success in this area since Elvis Presley and The Beatles, thanks to the growing acceptance of pop music and its inevitable development of varieties, which now also include, among others, techno, rap, reggae and hip hop. Some of these groups and singers are Michael Jackson, The Bee Gees, Elton John, Beyoncé, and The Who. If you are looking for actual pop music, the Proud Music Library offers around 1500 titles available for licensing.
The Pros and Cons of Background Music on Websites
To use or not to use background music on websites: that is the question. Although some people might argue that music is only nuisance and parallel to “acoustic pollution”, there is evidence that can prove otherwise. Yes, you read right. True: For those who simply want to find information on the web, music proves to be an added element that makes it hard to multitask. Nevertheless, nowadays there is an added entertainment value that cannot be ignored. The interplay of ambience and effect has an impact on emotions and thus, the decision-making process. Furthermore, in a world where video games have come to encourage the desire for immediate gratification, reading texts is time consuming and tedious. Music plays an important role in advertising, since it sets the mood and serves as fast and effective messaging.
Naturally, not all websites require music, and in some cases it is even discouraged. Although music should be functional, web design is just as important. Take for example news sites, where music would disturb the actual task at hand, namely reading the news. Therefore, it is recommendable to add music only if there is an appropriate application area or where creating an effect would help in the transmission of information; otherwise rely on a good web design. At the end of this discussion, you will find excellent examples from clients who successfully used background music on their websites. The fusion of information and emotion was particularly well done. Towards this goal, the Proud Music Library offers thousands of hand-picked titles that have been proved applicable by our Artist and Repertoire Management.
We are both happy and proud to be able to present you with successful projects of integrating music to websites from our clients on our blog! By the way, this is not by any means the last blog entry about background music; there are more to come.
Andreas Holnburger, interior designer
Are there any DVDs/CDs with all titles found in the Proud Music Library?
There are no DVDs or CDs containing the compilation of the Proud Music Library. Why? We have an increase of around 40 entries and that our complete content is retrievable for licensing online.
Evi Sachenbacher-Strehle training for the World Cup in Oslo 2011
Music produced by Proud Music’s own Frank Herrlinger provides the background of this documentary on Evi Sachenbacher-Strehle. The name of the piece is “Route 1210.” Evi is a member of the German national Cross-country skiing team and is presently training for the World Cup in Oslo 2011 with Peter Schlickenrieder, himself a former Olympian. Nowadays, he appears regularly on the German Television show “ARD-Buffet” on ARD. In these videos, it is undeniable that an athlete of such caliber as Evi’s needs to train year ‘round, and you can see Evi training in the summertime with inline skates.
Search made easy through an autocomplete feature in the Proud Music Library!
How many production music tracks does the Proud Music Library contain?
The Proud Music Library increases its number of tracks by 40 to 100 on a near daily basis. The current size of the library can be seen by clicking “search” in the navigation bar at the top of the par and then clicking “search” on the menu button. Next, a list of all available tracks in the library is shown, including the numbers of tracks available completely royalty-free and pro-registered. This way, it is possible to get a good idea of which music titles can be licensed completely royalty free.