Here you can find a list of the different copyright collecting societies of our composers and the corresponding links:
Germany: GEMA “Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte” (musical recordings and performances)
Link to the GEMA
Austria: AKM “Autoren, Komponisten, Musikverleger” (lyricists, composers and music publishers)
Switzerland: SUISA (Swiss Association for composers rights)
MCPS “Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society” , PRS “Performing Right Society”
USA: SESAC “Society of European Stage Authors & Composers”, ASCAP “American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers”, BMI ” Broadcast Music Incorporated”
Canada: SOCAN “Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers”
France: SACEM “Société des auteurs compositeurs et éditeurs de musique”
Norway: TONO (Copyright collective for authors and composers of musical works)
Italy: SIAE “Società Italiani degli Autori ed Editori”
Ireland: IMRO ” Irish Music Rights Organisation”
New Zealand, Australia: APRA “Australasian Performing Right Association “
Poland: ZAIKS “ZwiÄ�zek Autorów i Kompozytorów Scenicznych” (Vereinigung der Bühnenautoren und -komponisten)
Spain: SGAE “Sociedad General de Autores y Editores”
Denmark: KODA (copyrights for composers, songwriters and music publishers)