The concept film production rights is also known as (a work’s) synchronization rights, that is, a right to associate works from different genres, here: a form of projection, such as films + musical works in the form of recordings, or rather, sound recordings. In this way, a new work is created. For this purpose, the film producer must concede the available rights, so the music can be used in the film. The film production rights are granted in our case by The Proud Music Library, as long as the authors commissioned their exploitation.
Instrumental rock was most popular between the mid-1950s to mid-1960s. In this decade Surf music was very popular.
Start to search for instrumental rock music now:
Instrumental rock music for commercials (Radio, TV, cinema, Point-of-sale)
Many rock guitarists were influenced by The Ventures’ precise guitar work. In the 1970s Progressive rock and art rock performers featured virtuosic instrumental performances. One of the best-selling instrumental albums ever, with 16 millions copies sold is Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield, released in 1973.
ArchiveMusicismusic that isproduced specifically forthe soundtrackofindustrial films, television and feature films, commercials, etc. In principle, publishers of archivemusic like the Proud Music Libaryassist in theselection ofappropriate music. For this reason the Proud Music Library established a awesome search engine to find a piece of music very fast and to license this music track for commercial projects.
Our fast search maschine to find archive music tracks directly:
For the term archive music is often the term stock music used. In the Proud Music Library you find roundabout 30,000 tracks of archive music (Feb. 2015). Some tracks are not registered with any domestic or foreign collecting society. These tracks are marked as “completely royalty-free music”, which not means “music for free” or “free music”.
Proud Music Library (Royaly-free music and archive music)
Royalty-free Music for background music in an plane
To download royalty free music for free, please create an account in our Proud Music Library. Then you can download all tracks from the Proud Music Library, to test them in your project or to introduce some tracks to your customers. The download will costs you nothing. The mp3 file has also no beep! However, the quality is a reduced to avoid abuse. Do not use a track without a Proud Music Library License. Be fair!
Yes, the Proud Music Library do offer the opportunity to try out free downloads of tracks. The quality of a mp3 file is 56 kpps. To download a track without a sound signal, please get a account for free. The useof a songwithout a licenseconstitutes copyright infringementand is prohibited.Even thoughthe songsare provided as afreedownloadavailable, they may only beusedin public or online whenalicensewas purchased.
The Proud Music Library was founded in 2004 in Germany (Europe). Currently we have a content of more than 26,000 tracks plus more than 16,000 loops, edits and stingers. We also offer licenses for completely roaylty free tracks, where the composers are not registered with any collecting society. Please feel free to check our new search engine.
1.Alltracksare displayedin the media playerwiththeindividualwaveform of thetrack. This allowsto jumparoundwithin a track. Yousee significantly atthewaveform the dynamic, the quietandpowerfulpassagesin a track.
2.The media playeris available onanydevice, including tabletoriPad. Thus,itcanalso be operatedon atouch screenwell.
A fair film is part of a professional marketing mix as well. There are basically two types of fair films. On the one hand, there are films that are shown at the fair itself. These are usually about promotional films that portray a mixture of product presentations and image films, or rather industry films. The fair film should awaken people’s curiosity so that the visitor lingers longer at a stand. On the other hand there are films about a fair event where, for example, the fair itself or a company’s stand is presented. Should any clients appear in a film, it is necessary to clear up his personal rights beforehand!
Proud Music Library
The purpose of a fair film is precisely that of an image film, namely to portray a company in a positive light, and also to present the product portfolio. Hence, when planning a stand it is important to consider that there is a fair area where the fair film can be projected as eye catcher with public appeal. Therefore, avoid projecting fair films from a laptop. In addition, bear in mind the volume and quality of the tones/sounds with respect to the general noise at the fair. The best option is to show the fair film in a soundproof cabin with high quality loudspeakers. Should you do without a cabin, make sure that, under such circumstances, the fair film can be projected for several days at the stand. This may have quite a soporific effect on staff members at the stand and lead to annoyance if they listen continuously to the same music or tone. This would be simply avoided by the use of a soundproof cabin. Besides, the following should be regarded: The bigger the film – shown with a projector, for example -, the bigger the number of observers. Incidentally, here the choice of music is crucial. By no means may it sound “cheap”. It is recommendable not to use that which is employed in product presentations such as point-of-sales in superstores, at fairs.
Instrumental rock music for commercials (Radio, TV, cinema, Point-of-sale)
In the case of a fair or industrial film, the theme should be emotionally taken up, that is to say, that it is preferable for it to have animated or visual portrayals, rather than contain a great deal of spoken text.
Our division for GEMA (German society for musical copyright enforcement) Repertoire, Proud Music Library Publishing, will be an exhibitor at the MIDEM in Cannes, France, from February 1st to the 4th. Come visit us at the German Pavilion, Riviera Hall, R07.20! All you have to do is get in touch with us.
Who or what is MIDEM?
MIDEM (Marché international de l’édition musicale) is the biggest music fair. It serves the music industry, among other things, as platform to inform about new products and/or artists. It has been held in Cannes yearly since 1966. Although its main purpose is naturally networking, but you may also enjoy different additional presentations, seminars, and concerts.
Reinhold Poehnl is one of the most versatile composers I have had a chance to interview. All you need to do is search his name, and you come across an array of compositions that range from classical to jazz to hip hop. Every piece is clear and precise. Following, find out what has contributed to shaping this multi-faceted personality.
PM: When did you discover your love for music?
Reinhold: Maybe it was at the age of 5, when my older sister had her first piano lessons and I was allowed to stand next to the piano.
PM: If you were not a musician, what other path would you have taken?
Reinhold: I am excited about photography, and maybe this would have been my alternative choice. I am also interested in mathematics. There are so many fascinating paths other than music! There is: science, physics, computer graphics, parachuting…., but I think, I never would have become a lawyer or a business manager.
PM: Do you have a favorite composer?
Reinhold: There are, first of all, of course, the three greatest of all times: Bach, Beethoven and Mozart. Nevertheless, there is unimaginably much more music now. If somebody is going to buy a luxury car, it is possible to get some kind of market overview before you do, but when it comes to music, several lifetimes are not enough to browse through the existing music. And every day there is new music. So let me name a few artists or composers I like: Astor Piazolla, the Beatles, Prokofiev, Ravel, Debussy, Count Basie, and Skrillex. It might not make sense because they are so many and so different.
PM: How would you describe your style?
Reinhold: My style is varied. I write and produce very different music. Above all, I like colorful harmonies and surprising changes. I enjoy trance and techno, as well as creating a traditional polka, which then takes a not-so-traditional turn. I like experimenting because I’m inquisitive.
PM: Is there a musician who has influenced your style?
Reinhold: There are countless. As with the question regarding a favorite composer, there are too many.
PM: When did you start composing?
Reinhold: I started soon after I began to play the piano. Of course, that could not actually be considered composing.
PM: Do you write, play, and produce all your pieces?
Reinhold: I write, play and produce, and together with other instrumentalists as well. There is also music which I have written for other performers, such as a string quartet, or music for accordion, or short piano pieces for students. There is a great deal of music I have written that has been performed by others, but which has not been recorded yet.
PM: How many pieces have you written?
Reinhold: More than 500 so far, although I’m certain there will be more. I must admit, some pieces are just for mass production, like musical wall paper, but there are some pieces which I consider little jewels and take a little longer to write.
PM: Do you play an instrument? Which one(s)?
Reinhold: My main instrument is the piano, but I have played the viola for many years, I had to play the unavoidable recorder in elementary school, I still play guitar, and I also have some experience with drums. I have tried the accordion, the upright bass, and the timpani. I have played the traditional organ at church service, as well as a Hammond organ when performing jazz and rock. I have yet to master any of those, except maybe the piano. Still, the experience with so many different instruments, in my opinion, has been quite useful.
PM: What is a normal day like for you?
Reinhold: I am lucky, I think. Most days, when I am not traveling, I can just do what I feel like. Apart from writing, creating and producing my own music, I also work as a freelance musician for Yamaha, producing musical content or training new members. Last week I was sent to a place near Marseille to train a French musician on how to create musical content data. My job is to explain the technical details to make that musical data work best on a particular (digital) instrument. Yamaha wants local specialists to create musical data to perfectly fit the local taste and demand. For these projects I have traveled to Turkey, Spain, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and the USA, among other countries. The interaction with musicians from different parts of the world and cultures is very exciting, interesting and inspiring to me. I also love to explore the local cuisines and enjoy trying new food, new spices, and experiencing new impressions.
PM: Do you follow a ritual when you write your music? Do you take special measures?
Reinhold: No. Most of the time, I have music paper and a pencil with me; whether I am on the beach or on a train, and certainly, next to the piano. I take notes, write songs, and I have plenty of music notebooks filled with ideas that have not come to fruition yet. I browse through these notes and check and compare once and again. At times, I just sit and play and I start to develop a piece of music based on a kind of improvisation or a spontaneous idea.
PM: What advice would you give someone who is thinking about becoming a composer?
Reinhold: On the one hand, there is the creativity, the genius, the divine inspiration, the unexplainable, which probably cannot be learned or trained. I am not sure why, it is just so. Then, there is also the basics, the craftsmanship, the knowledge about music theory, harmony and all the stuff found in music books. I think it is a good idea to learn what is learnable, and to hope to just have that special something.
PM: What would you say is the hardest thing about what you do?
Reinhold: After having composed, performed, recorded and produced a piece of music, it is hard for me to find a suitable name for it. I am not good at finding catchy titles, so I share the music with my daughters, or I play the music for my wife and I ask for their feedback and suggestions. Most of the time, they have nice recommendations I would never come up with.
Instrumental rock music for commercials (Radio, TV, cinema, Point-of-sale)