La definición de royalty-free music de autor denota un pago único de licencia. Esta forma de concesión de licencias difiere de la tradicional en que antes se pagaba por cada minuto, segundo y momento de uso de una obra musical en particular. Pero el término puede ser engañoso. Royalty-free no significa que el tiempo de emisión, por ejemplo, sea completamente libre.
Comece a procurar directamente aqui:
Las redes y las estaciones de radio pagan por una licencia que les permite transmitir esa música en momentos particulares y en momentos particulares. Se les exige que lleven un registro del número de emisiones en una hoja de billar para que la emisión de música pueda ser grabada apropiadamente y luego, las regalías se distribuyen de acuerdo a los músicos, compositores y editores de música. En otras palabras, la royalty free music significa que usted paga en este caso una cuota única de licencia, pero para usar en sus propias producciones, independientemente de la frecuencia con la que la utilice. Sin embargo, de esta manera, la royalty free music se hace más accesible al público común. Tanto si eres un profesor en un aula al que le gustaría hacer presentaciones más dinámicas, un estudiante trabajando en un proyecto, un amigo trabajando en un regalo especial, o si estás tratando de encontrar la manera correcta de proponer creando el ambiente adecuado, la royalty free music te ayuda a lograr tu objetivo.
Royalty-free no significa que la pieza musical sea libre de usar. Los temas musicales más libres de derechos de autor se registran en una sociedad de gestión colectiva nacional o extranjera. Esto significa que el uso de una pieza musical debe ser reportado con un formulario de registro (=hoja de claves) a la sociedad local de recaudación, por ejemplo, SEAE.
Cuando se utiliza royalty free music de autor en anuncios publicitarios, aunque el uso del precio de la licencia es a menudo limitado, pero ya está aclarado, de modo que no habrá negociaciones complicadas con los titulares de los derechos muß (pre-cleared music). Es por eso que esto se llama más bien production music o archive music. Pero Stock Music es a menudo música en la que el compositor no está registrado en ninguna sociedad de gestión colectiva nacional o extranjera. En la Proud Music Library encontrará esta música bajo la etiqueta “completely royalty-free music”.
Para fazer o download gratuito de música royalty free, crie uma conta em nossa Proud Music Library. Você pode então baixar todas as faixas da Biblioteca musical Proud, para testá-las em seu projeto ou para apresentar algumas faixas aos seus clientes. O download não te vai custar nada. O ficheiro mp3 também não apita! No entanto, a qualidade é reduzida para evitar abusos. Não use uma faixa sem uma licença da Proud Music Library – seja justo!
O conceito de direitos de produção cinematográfica é também conhecido como direitos de sincronização (de uma obra), ou seja, o direito de associar obras de diferentes géneros, aqui: uma forma de projecção, como filmes + obras musicais sob a forma de gravações (royalty free), ou melhor, de gravações sonoras. Desta forma, um novo trabalho é criado. Para tal, o produtor do filme deve conceder os direitos disponíveis, para que a música possa ser utilizada no filme. Os direitos de produção do filme são concedidos no nosso caso pela The Proud Music Library, desde que os autores tenham ordenado a sua exploração.
O direito de produção ou sinônimo de direito de dublagem ou conexão é o direito de conectar obras musicais com obras de outros gêneros. Isto pode incluir, por exemplo, obras pictóricas como o cinema. A ligação (por exemplo, inferior) de música em publicidade ou em filmes institucionais exige, por conseguinte, o consentimento prévio do titular dos direitos de autor, ou seja, neste caso, o direito de produção de filmes.
A Proud Music poderá conceder aos seus clientes o direito de produzir ou dublar a Proud Music Library, uma vez que esclarecemos este direito com os nossos autores para si. Ao licenciar um título de biblioteca, recebe o direito de ligar as nossas obras musicais às suas imagens online de uma forma simples, sem necessidade de esclarecimentos demorados sobre os direitos de autor.
Stock Music is an affordable alternative to the use of well-known music in a promotional film, corporate video or commercial spot.
It has been produced specifically for the use in audio and audiovisual productions. Stock Music is also very often used as background music in stores, hotels or airports. The Proud Music Library offers licenses for sound systems to use the music as background music.
Royalty-free Stock Music for airports, hotels and malls
In the past stock music was delivered on CD in the Red Book audio format to allow easy cueing and rapid synchronization. Today, simple download a stock music track online. The most tracks that are provided by stock music libraries are registered with a collecting society, for example, ASCAP, BMI, SOCAN, PRS, SIAE, PRS and APRA. For this there are extra fees for the public performance or mechanical reproduction.
Start to search directly here:
In the Proud Music Library you will find plenty of royalty-free stock music. About 1/3 of music (about 10,500 songs, Feb. 2018) is completely royalty-free stock music (PRO-free) and as such also featured.
At the moment we are experiencing a whole new era in Production Music. Twenty years ago, pre-cleared licenses had their main market in providing music for commercials broadcast almost exclusively on TV or in the cinema.
The unstoppable change
Today, the focus has shifted dramatically to online usage in recent years.This does not include missions in short commercials, such as pre-, mid- or post-rolls. Especially viral videos make up the bulk here. Content marketing in the form of small video clips still needs (fortunately, ;-)) music as a important background element.
The license ‘Online advertising’ makes it possible for everyone
Therefore, we have developed the license ‘Online Advertising’, which allows the following uses:
Use of a song in one (1) social media video
Unlimited Time, wordwide
Applies to all social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
The own website is of course not excluded.
Only additional uses (e.g., in-stream advertising as post-, mid-, or pre-rolls) or infomercials are not covered by this license.
archive music is also known as production music
Archive music is also known as stock music or production music. For further questions on the subject it is best if you write us at [email protected].
If producing a computer game you need to decide whether to license existing music or if it is necessary to produce an individual soundtrack. The licensing of music in place of producing already is a common and timesaving way in different game genres.
It depends on the special type of a game, if the use of production music is possible and beneficial. It is more difficult to find Ingame-tracks or music for cut-scenes than to take any undisturbing and easy themes for displays, menus etc. Adventure games usually marked by individual scoring in contrast to edutainment or casual games, where the probability of a favorable licensing of existing music tracks is higher and where the choice is bigger.
If you are searching for licensing music for your computer game, the Proud Music Library contains a large repertoire of music tracks applicable for games. Just contact us with the briefing of your game and we will propose potential titles and compile an individual licensing offer. Therefor its helpful, if you can give us some titles of our large content which are roughly what you imagine.
Royalty-free Music for background music in an plane
To download royalty free music for free, please create an account in our Proud Music Library. Then you can download all tracks from the Proud Music Library, to test them in your project or to introduce some tracks to your customers. The download will costs you nothing. The mp3 file has also no beep! However, the quality is a reduced to avoid abuse. Do not use a track without a Proud Music Library License. Be fair!
Reinhold Poehnl is one of the most versatile composers I have had a chance to interview. All you need to do is search his name, and you come across an array of compositions that range from classical to jazz to hip hop. Every piece is clear and precise. Following, find out what has contributed to shaping this multi-faceted personality.
PM: When did you discover your love for music?
Reinhold: Maybe it was at the age of 5, when my older sister had her first piano lessons and I was allowed to stand next to the piano.
PM: If you were not a musician, what other path would you have taken?
Reinhold: I am excited about photography, and maybe this would have been my alternative choice. I am also interested in mathematics. There are so many fascinating paths other than music! There is: science, physics, computer graphics, parachuting…., but I think, I never would have become a lawyer or a business manager.
PM: Do you have a favorite composer?
Reinhold: There are, first of all, of course, the three greatest of all times: Bach, Beethoven and Mozart. Nevertheless, there is unimaginably much more music now. If somebody is going to buy a luxury car, it is possible to get some kind of market overview before you do, but when it comes to music, several lifetimes are not enough to browse through the existing music. And every day there is new music. So let me name a few artists or composers I like: Astor Piazolla, the Beatles, Prokofiev, Ravel, Debussy, Count Basie, and Skrillex. It might not make sense because they are so many and so different.
PM: How would you describe your style?
Reinhold: My style is varied. I write and produce very different music. Above all, I like colorful harmonies and surprising changes. I enjoy trance and techno, as well as creating a traditional polka, which then takes a not-so-traditional turn. I like experimenting because I’m inquisitive.
PM: Is there a musician who has influenced your style?
Reinhold: There are countless. As with the question regarding a favorite composer, there are too many.
PM: When did you start composing?
Reinhold: I started soon after I began to play the piano. Of course, that could not actually be considered composing.
PM: Do you write, play, and produce all your pieces?
Reinhold: I write, play and produce, and together with other instrumentalists as well. There is also music which I have written for other performers, such as a string quartet, or music for accordion, or short piano pieces for students. There is a great deal of music I have written that has been performed by others, but which has not been recorded yet.
PM: How many pieces have you written?
Reinhold: More than 500 so far, although I’m certain there will be more. I must admit, some pieces are just for mass production, like musical wall paper, but there are some pieces which I consider little jewels and take a little longer to write.
PM: Do you play an instrument? Which one(s)?
Reinhold: My main instrument is the piano, but I have played the viola for many years, I had to play the unavoidable recorder in elementary school, I still play guitar, and I also have some experience with drums. I have tried the accordion, the upright bass, and the timpani. I have played the traditional organ at church service, as well as a Hammond organ when performing jazz and rock. I have yet to master any of those, except maybe the piano. Still, the experience with so many different instruments, in my opinion, has been quite useful.
PM: What is a normal day like for you?
Reinhold: I am lucky, I think. Most days, when I am not traveling, I can just do what I feel like. Apart from writing, creating and producing my own music, I also work as a freelance musician for Yamaha, producing musical content or training new members. Last week I was sent to a place near Marseille to train a French musician on how to create musical content data. My job is to explain the technical details to make that musical data work best on a particular (digital) instrument. Yamaha wants local specialists to create musical data to perfectly fit the local taste and demand. For these projects I have traveled to Turkey, Spain, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and the USA, among other countries. The interaction with musicians from different parts of the world and cultures is very exciting, interesting and inspiring to me. I also love to explore the local cuisines and enjoy trying new food, new spices, and experiencing new impressions.
PM: Do you follow a ritual when you write your music? Do you take special measures?
Reinhold: No. Most of the time, I have music paper and a pencil with me; whether I am on the beach or on a train, and certainly, next to the piano. I take notes, write songs, and I have plenty of music notebooks filled with ideas that have not come to fruition yet. I browse through these notes and check and compare once and again. At times, I just sit and play and I start to develop a piece of music based on a kind of improvisation or a spontaneous idea.
PM: What advice would you give someone who is thinking about becoming a composer?
Reinhold: On the one hand, there is the creativity, the genius, the divine inspiration, the unexplainable, which probably cannot be learned or trained. I am not sure why, it is just so. Then, there is also the basics, the craftsmanship, the knowledge about music theory, harmony and all the stuff found in music books. I think it is a good idea to learn what is learnable, and to hope to just have that special something.
PM: What would you say is the hardest thing about what you do?
Reinhold: After having composed, performed, recorded and produced a piece of music, it is hard for me to find a suitable name for it. I am not good at finding catchy titles, so I share the music with my daughters, or I play the music for my wife and I ask for their feedback and suggestions. Most of the time, they have nice recommendations I would never come up with.
Instrumental rock music for commercials (Radio, TV, cinema, Point-of-sale)
We offer worldwide licenses for the use of more than 6,000 6,400 songs from the Proud Music Library as background music for airports, hotels, lobbies, shopping malls, supermarkets and department stores. No rights to the songs consist of any collecting society (ASCAP-free, PRS-free, GEMA-free, etc.)! The Performance Rights have already been resolved by us. You pay a one-time fixed price and no further charges.
Currently there are approximately 316 hours (15 days) in the music library from which you can freely choose what music you want to use as background music. The minimum purchase of music is for a total of a 48 hours duration. That’s about 900 songs.