Nowadays, children spend much more time in front of the television set and less time playing than they did decades ago. This info trailer is about a campaign LEGO led to encourage children to view less television and play more, while still using the media as a promotional means. With the support of the channel, LEGO accomplished its goal. Nickelodeon television went off the air for six hours on May 28, 2010, and told children to go play. Up to that point, the manufacturer had advertised legally on the channel, giving parents and children the chance to buy their products. The outcome of the campaign exceeded expectations, since parents and children did play, sales for LEGO increased exponentially, and Nickelodeon’s acceptance as a TV channel for children grew among parents. The title of the music used for this trailer is most appropriately called “Got better things to do”, and it is by Frank Herrlinger. You may find it in the Proud Music Library.
Tag: royalty free music
What is a commercial? How does one license music for it?
What is a commercial?
The Proud Music Library offers music titles for its use in commercials, such as, for example, in promotional films. A commercial is usually, in a nutshell, a promotional production that advertises a product or service. The target is the end user. This happens generally through media such as TV, radio, websites, and mobile phones, commercial spots on DVD or the like. Data carriers are rarely found.

commercial music library
In this respect, licensing for the use of music titles from the Proud Music Library is paid in lump sum. This means that the use does not depend on the frequency with which a spot is projected or on its length. There are standardized commercial licenses (for example, for TV or online advertising), which limit the use to one year. The Proud Music Library also offers the so called “buyout” licenses. Just send an individual license request indicating the area of use (worldwide, across Europe, or individual territories), the period of use (one or 2 years), and the degree of dissemination or type of use (TV, Websites, third party site, etc.). License combinations are also possible, which, for example, include only TV/radio, TV/Internet, or Internet/radio.

completely royalty free music means free music for commercial us?
With the use of so called “completely royalty free music” from the Proud Music library there are no charges to pay to any collecting society like ASCAP, BMI, PRS, GEMA, etc.. It means not music for free or gratis music. This is valid also in the case of buyout licenses for royalty-free music! Should the commercial spot be inserted on TV and radio, there would be likewise no charges for the repertoire, as long as the TV or radio station has a flat rate contract with a collecting society. This also proceeds in the case of cinema advertising, depending on whether the movie theater operator also has, in this case, a flat rate contract with a collecting society.

Proud Music Library Update: Currently more than 17,000 tracks online
The Proud Music Library has grown again. 1,500 new tracks have been added since July 2011. Right now, there are 17,212 songs online, of which 5,449 are royalty free titles. Through the expansion of production music content, the variety in common genres increased exponentially. In numbers: 1,600 songs in the pop category, round 1,200 tracks in the rock category, or plentiful 2,160 music titles of world music. The subgenre has also gained certain attractiveness. For example, there are currently 171 Christmas songs in the program.

In the meantime, many music titles are delivered with loops and edits. In addition, the different loops and edits (15-60 seconds) are provided for the client as a zip file. Music to be proud of!
Battle of the Bristle Bots with music by Proud Music
The objective: to build a “toothbrush-bot” or a robot made of toothbrushes. This wacky activity took place at the event Ignite Nuremberg at the Zentrifuge Art Gallery in Nuremberg, Germany, in February 2011, where ten teams of members that did not know each other previously had to execute said task in 45 minutes. There were awards for the prettiest, the fastest, and the funniest. Although, not everybody was a winner, everyone had fun, and the activity set the stage for the remaining acts of the conference. The contest was captured on camera by Martin Goldmann (RedGo.Tv) in his vimeo “Battle of the Bristle Bots”, and it is accompanied by music from Frank Herrlinger, available at the Proud Music Library.
Ignite Nürnberg: Battle of the Bristle Bots from Martin Goldmann on Vimeo.
How many music titles does the Proud Music Library include?
Every week, Proud Music Library adds 40 to 100 tracks to its collection. If you click on the search button under the menu tab, you can see how many we offer at this time. Through this search, you have access to all titles available, and may also verify the actual number of titles. Here, you may also obtain a general idea of which titles are licensed as completely royalty free music.
What is Royalty free music?
Is it free music?
The definition of royalty free music denotes a onetime licensing fee. This form of licensing differs from the traditional one in that earlier, licensing was paid for every minute, second and moment of use of a particular work of music. But the term can be misleading. Royalty free does not mean that broadcasting time, for example, is completely free.

It helps you achieve your goal
Networks and radio stations pay for a license that allows them to broadcast that music at particular times and at particular moments. They are required to keep track of the number of broadcasts on a cue sheet so that music broadcast can be recorded properly and then, royalties are distributed accordingly to the musicians, composers, and music publishers. In other words, royalty free music means that you pay in this case a onetime licensing fee, but to use in your own productions regardless of how often you use it. Still, in this manner, royalty free music is made more accessible to the common public. Whether you are a teacher in a classroom who would like to make presentations more dynamic, a student working on a project, a friend working on a special present, or if you are trying to find the right way to propose by creating the appropriate mood, royalty free music helps you achieve your goal.
It is not free music
Royalty-free means not that the piece of music is free to use. The most royalty-free music tracks are registered with a domestic or foreign collecting society. This means that the use of a piece of music must be reported with a registration form (=cue sheet) to the local collecting society, e.g. ASCAP.
When using royalty-free music in commercials or advertisements, although the use of the license price is often limited but already clarified, so that there will be no complicated negotiations with rights holders muß (pre-cleared music). That’s why this is called rather Production Music. or Stock Music. But Stock Music is often music where the composer is not registered with any domestic or foreign collecting society. In the Proud Music Library you find this music under the label “completely royalty-free music”.
Could you send me a sample cd of your tracks?
First the bad news: We do not send out sample cds of our royalty-free music. But the good news is: Sample cds wouldn’t be that helpful, as we are expanding the library so often, so CDs could in no way provide the full spectrum our Proud Music Library that is available to you online any time.
What means “GEMA-freie Musik”?
The term “GEMA-freie Musik” means completely royalty free music. The composer of this music is not registered with a collecting society (ASCAP-free, BMI-free, PRS-free, SUISA-free, AKM-free, TONO-free, SIAE-free). The Proud Music Library contains more than 10,000 completely royalty free music for all media: e.g. web, movie, tv, advertising, on hold.
Showreel by Imagine People with Music by Manuel Kempter.
Imagine People produced a corporate film to promote the myriad of areas covered by their projects. They selected electro-pop music for its background, which is a form of granular synthesis created through sampling. In this particular showreel, the group from the Netherlands chose a work called “Doll Shopping” (completely royalty free music) by Manuel Kempter, one of the composers you can find in the Proud Music Library.
Showreel Imagine People from Imagine People on Vimeo.
How many production music tracks does the Proud Music Library contain?
The Proud Music Library increases its number of tracks by 40 to 100 on a near daily basis. The current size of the library can be seen by clicking “search” in the navigation bar at the top of the par and then clicking “search” on the menu button. Next, a list of all available tracks in the library is shown, including the numbers of tracks available completely royalty-free and pro-registered. This way, it is possible to get a good idea of which music titles can be licensed completely royalty free.