Over 22,000 music titles in our library!

Proud Music continuously updates its music content, and is excited to announce that you may now enjoy over 22,000 music titles from its library!

Music tracks for commercials
Proud Music Library for royalty-free music and production music

We offer a wide range of music styles and genres, e.g. rock (1411 songs), pop (1892 songs), jazz (1932 songs), classical (858 songs), metal (712 songs), film (5404 songs), and blues (247 Songs). As were this not enough, Proud Music also licenses production music. Because we are the owner of the copyrights to the music we sell, you will save time and money, with the added bonus of perpetually using an original theme as you please, whether it is as background music for an advertisement on radio or TV, a film, or a video game.


How many music titles does the Proud Music Library include?

Every week, Proud Music Library adds 40 to 100 tracks to its collection. If you click on the search button under the menu tab, you can see how many we offer at this time. Through this search, you have access to all titles available, and may also verify the actual number of titles. Here, you may also obtain a general idea of which titles are licensed as completely royalty free music.

Improvements to the media player

We have just made some more changes to the library. This time we focussed on the mediaplayer:

1. The player now shows behind every trackname whether this track is registered with a royalty collecting society or completely royalty free music. This is just another way of displaying this information, in addition to the different colours of tracks in the search listing and the PRO label within each tracks metadata. This should save you some scrolling, if this information is important to you – depending on the medium you work for.

2. We changed the size of the media player, it is now considerably larger. So now a lot more tracks fit into the playlist at once without scrolling.

We do hope, that these improvements make researching for the best music to fit your project much more comfortable and easy to use!

If you have suggestions, please call us or send us a mail, we need to know, so we can fix it! Thank you!

Server Update

We just made some changes to our server infracstructure to increase our service quality for our Proud Music Library. Our website runs faster now – especially when a lot of clients are researching music at the same time. By the way: right now 6 servers are at your service. 🙂

If you experience errors, it would be very helpful if you could drop us a note. Anyway, we do wish you a good start into 2009. We are looking forward to the new projects!