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111 BPM 3/3


3 of 3
40 tracks, not registered with a PRO
31 tracks, registered with a PRO

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56. Soulmates (II) 03:43

A Tender Clarinet introduces us to a Very Devout Operalike Male Serenade accompanied by Lush Strings and Trumpet until Answered by an Indian Female with a Joyful and Positive response leading into a Big Orchestral Statement that Joins the two in a profound loving Duet. A very special Love Song

Soulmates (II)
62. Instant replay 02:43

A modern electronic track that has a sense of progress confidence and purpose. Imagine a very technical work environment like a assemble plant that makes car parts or a hi-tech communications with digital information flooding the screens.

Instant replay
71. Chinese Twilight 03:48

Commences with a beautiful, fragile Erhu note triggering a deep, pensive grand piano...classical orchestra fading in and out accompanying the Erhu in a kind of call-and-response as the Erhu blithely proceeds within its own thoughts along a journey in a clear quest for answers that remain elusive to the end.

Chinese Twilight
40 tracks, not registered with a PRO
31 tracks, registered with a PRO
3 of 3