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127 BPM 3/5


3 of 5
47 tracks, not registered with a PRO
72 tracks, registered with a PRO

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58. Love Again 04:36
59. Wounded animal 05:57

A very dark , disturbed piece. It tells of an unseen malevolence, drawing ever closer to the point where the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Huge down-tuned guitar riffs grab you by the jugular and toss you around till you plead for mercy. The end build-up takes the temperature ever higher to it's searing lead conclusion. Contains drums, bass and lots of guitars!

Wounded animal
69. phobia 04:17

This track is Jekyll and Hyde. The tense, intro has techno beats and synth sequences which build in intensity until all hell breaks loose and the guitars enter with a hellishly ferocious and relentless riff. If you want a track with drama, this is it! Contains synths, drum machines, guitars and bass.


Hypnotic ambient electronic atmospheric soundscape with slow, rhythmic arppegiating poly tones and other worldy sounds and effects. Dark and surreal but trance inducing and somewhat psychedelic. Perfect for many visuals esp. nature docs and/or planetary, space scenes.

Beneath The Surface
47 tracks, not registered with a PRO
72 tracks, registered with a PRO
3 of 5