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134 BPM 2/6


2 of 6
78 tracks, not registered with a PRO
51 tracks, registered with a PRO

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An harmonic opening of the track with flute and harp is being taken over by bright and shining brass, playing a heroic theme. After this glorious opening the track falls back to a calm background track, enough space for a narrator to begin with his story...

The Green Land (Opener) - Completely Royalty Free Music
43. The kings men 02:13

Mid-tempo Big Majestic and Heroic Orchestral piece tells the Tale of Victory... Love for a Battle that’s just been Won... Evil Conquered... Peace restored...Grateful to Heaven... Praise for the Soldier's Bravery. Powerful Drums, Epic Horns and Ardent Choir. You’ll want to stand up and Salute.

The kings men
46. Solar System 04:01

Dynamic bass sequences and hypnotic, spherical synth pads combined with enervating blips in the background. Perfect for animations and visualizations on the subject of space, planets, solar systems, space flight, satellite, orbit, and any form of research, science and technology.

Solar System  - Completely Royalty Free Music
78 tracks, not registered with a PRO
51 tracks, registered with a PRO
2 of 6