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142 BPM 3/3


3 of 3
19 tracks, not registered with a PRO
41 tracks, registered with a PRO

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51. Cocky guy 02:24

Upbeat track featuring drums, bass, Rhodes, percussion vox, sax licks. Would fit a cocky self confident character showing off at every opportunity, smiling to the cameras with his platinum white smile and greasy slicked back hair, an armature learning to play golf or performing a task that he is not competent in.

Cocky guy

A track marking progress or growth, the development or evolution of something in to something quite complex. A noticeable sense of moving forward or unfolding. Think of a city being built block by block or a flower growing caught on hi speed film .features bells, piano, guitar contemporary loop and pizzicato and legato strings

Building or assembling
56. monster 02:03

A calculated killing machine about to strike. This one growls like a wounded lion before launching itself at you for the fatal and final bite. Brooding malevolance and sickeningly evil. Oh, the blackness ... offer yourself to him. Contains guitars, bass , synths and drums.

19 tracks, not registered with a PRO
41 tracks, registered with a PRO
3 of 3