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180 BPM 2/3


2 of 3
21 tracks, not registered with a PRO
39 tracks, registered with a PRO

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Fast, reckless, punk-rock / punk-pop, Attitude, guts, excitement, energy, Good for action packed sports footage, extreme sports, racing / motorsports, fights and brawling, downhill action and stupid stunts, Untamed / Wild / Rebellious,

Punky Summer (Underscore Version)

Fast, reckless, punk-rock / punk-pop, Attitude, guts, excitement, energy, Good for action packed sports footage, extreme sports, racing / motorsports, fights and brawling, downhill action and stupid stunts, Untamed / Wild / Rebellious,

Stay Fast Stay Free (Underscore Version)

This contemporary track is full of catchy rock drive, From the upbeat, filtered intro to the machine gun like Rock ending, Good for energetic, violent and powerful media projects, Elements of Brit rock / Alternative rock / Indie Rock / Pulp and Punk-Rock,

No Time To Waste (Underscore Version)
21 tracks, not registered with a PRO
39 tracks, registered with a PRO
2 of 3