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80 BPM 11/11


11 of 11
206 tracks, not registered with a PRO
64 tracks, registered with a PRO

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251. It's Our Choice 02:38

A song that tugs at your emotions much like making a difficult decision. This song is melancholic yet hopeful featuring piano, ukulele, cellos, violas, alto flute, flute section, solo violin, oboe and contra bass.

It's Our Choice
261. Smooth Moova 03:20

Downtempo, dusty and smokey Chillout, Lounge track, with a very slight reggae, dub feel. Exotic, relaxing, mellow and cool, with attitude. Lo-Rider. Smoky, with a dark side. Guitar picking and occasional wah guitar licks, with jazzy chords.

Smooth Moova

A smooth, welcoming, feelgood lounge, chill-out track. Breezy and appealing like an afternoon by the pool. Warm Rhodes electric piano, mid-tempo drums and a relaxing, groovy bass line. Slightly retro, urban chic sound. Occasional trumpet solos later in the track. (A version without the trumpet solos is also available, check out the Underscore version).

Lizard in the Lounge

A smooth, welcoming, feelgood lounge, chill-out track. Breezy and appealing like an afternoon by the pool. Warm Rhodes electric piano, mid-tempo drums and a relaxing, groovy bass line. Slightly retro, urban chic sound. Occasional trumpet solos later in the track. (A version without the trumpet solos is also available, check out the Underscore version).

Lizard in the Lounge (Underscore Version)
206 tracks, not registered with a PRO
64 tracks, registered with a PRO
11 of 11