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Emotional 80/201


[< 80 >] of 201
1451 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3557 tracks, registered with a PRO

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1993. Daily Routine 04:03

Deep piano bass notes drive a prominent rhythm track forward whilst guitars growl to light and airy high arpeggio phrases. A piano chorus gives way to a more modern synth based section offering hope before returning to the drudgery and gloom.

Daily Routine

Full of sorrow and melancholy, a piano plays a soulful tune to mellow string backing. Plenty of space allows lots or time and room for contemplation and reflection in this calm track with a bittersweet afterthought.

Where Do We Go From Here
1451 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3557 tracks, registered with a PRO
[< 80 >] of 201