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Charts 3/20

These are the currently most popular tracks from our library. Please keep in mind that we have got customers with the most diverse requirements. To see the current hottest music tracks, please click on Hot Tracks


500 Tracks

3 >] of 20
439 tracks, not registered with a PRO
61 tracks, registered with a PRO

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56. Sweet Memories 02:22

Sensitive, romantic piano music with a melancholic yet hopeful mood. Calm and emotional background music, perfect for landscape shots, documentary and seasons in general.

Sweet Memories  - Completely Royalty Free Music

All people are happy and glad when the Christmas period begins. This orchestral Christmas Song played in Hollywood-style lets arise the perfect mood for the nicest time of the year very quickly. The hearts of the children beat faster and also the adults are touched by the Christmas fever. This very positive song wishes all of you a Merry Christmas.

The Christmas Bakery - Completely Royalty Free Music
439 tracks, not registered with a PRO
61 tracks, registered with a PRO
3 >] of 20