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Synth Pop 10/102

Electronic Music >> Synth Pop


10 >] of 102
1234 tracks, not registered with a PRO
1315 tracks, registered with a PRO

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Exciting, edgy and modern. A relentless vision of futurism packed with lo-fi guitar and warped drum layers. The track builds towards an eerie, distant riff that charges full tilt towards a glitchy, fidgety ending. Visceral and oddly compelling.

Breakthrough (Underscore Version)

A bright, modern energetic theme that builds from subtle beginnings into a glorious celebration of life. This life affirming tune would make a suitable bed for a TV or radio ad featuring consumer technology or environmental/Green issues with a positive outcome of uplifting discovery & ambition. The time signiature morphs from 4/4 into 3/4 giving a number of new energy edit points along the way that would enhance all types of visual presentations.

My Brilliant Life (Underscore Version)
1234 tracks, not registered with a PRO
1315 tracks, registered with a PRO
10 >] of 102