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Hot Tracks 6/20

You can use this page to listen to the hottest 500 tracks at the moment. The order changes daily to give you an up to date impression on what is hot on the platform. So this page is much more dynamic than the All-Time-Charts that are also available.


500 Tracks

6 >] of 20
333 tracks, not registered with a PRO
167 tracks, registered with a PRO

Waveform will be available soon!


All rights reserved. No usage without prior licensing. Please be fair. Thank you!

Shake your feet and dance ! Good mood french-sytle electro funk with classical club elements from the 70s and 80s, vintage feeling included. String passages, funky basslines, guitars, amazing grooves and classic 80 EDM elements combined to get the french touch sound.

All Night Long (full Mix)  - Completely Royalty Free Music
333 tracks, not registered with a PRO
167 tracks, registered with a PRO
6 >] of 20