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3331 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3971 tracks, registered with a PRO

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2906. Packing System 02:46

Light industrial music with an urban feel. A repetitive bass pattern against light percussion sets the foundation for chords to fade in and out, bounce around and swirl in an automated fashion. Modern and slightly futuristic.

Packing System
2908. Pondering 01:57

A noisy percussive sound rings out at the start of this urban track before a prominent rhythm track ushers in a guitar riff that continues to the end of the piece. High, bright sounds mingle with the other guitar and synth melodies.

2909. Summer Picnic 02:09

Soulful and fresh, this lively and upbeat track features electric piano backing before bright guitar strumming starts. High, sparkling bell sounds provide a fresh melody that tinkles along to a contemporary rhythm. All quite brash and loud.

Summer Picnic
3331 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3971 tracks, registered with a PRO