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3331 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3971 tracks, registered with a PRO

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Lovely, small, friendly animated story with a tension part in the middle and a positive outcome in the end. Piano, a small orchestra, flute and bells put a twinkle in the face. Perfect for animations and cartoons. Version without bells melody at 21 seconds.

Lovely Animatic (without Midmelody) Free bpm - Completely Royalty Free Music

Modern Ambient tune featuring floating pads and driving digital basses. An experimental flight through molecular worlds. Ahead of time, perfect for futuristic landscapes and innovative products...with less vinyl groove.

Microcosm (cleanmix)  - Completely Royalty Free Music

Modern Ambient tune featuring floating pads and driving digital basses. An experimental flight through molecular worlds. Ahead of time, perfect for futuristic landscapes and innovative products....featuring radiovoices.

Microcosm - clean mix - (Talkover Version) - Completely Royalty Free Music

Moving moments in the world of molecules. Technically futuristic fascination in the flow. Perfect for 3D visualization, time lapse and Talk Over. As of 3:44 mins starts a part of soundpads.

Molecular Structures  - Completely Royalty Free Music
3331 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3971 tracks, registered with a PRO