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Balanced 77/293


[< 77 >] of 293
3331 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3971 tracks, registered with a PRO

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1921. Blissful Moment 02:42

A pleasant, slowly moving track somewhere between Ambient Chillout and Downtempo Electronica. Floating pads, then piano and strings, later joined by drum patterns and deep, soft bass tones. Highly useable for on-screen media presentations and film, as well as for rest and relaxation, spa and more.

Blissful Moment

A pleasant, slowly moving track somewhere between Ambient Chillout and Downtempo Electronica. Floating pads, then piano and strings, later joined by drum patterns and deep, soft bass tones. Highly useable for on-screen media presentations and film, as well as for rest and relaxation, spa and more.

Blissful Moment (Underscore version)
3331 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3971 tracks, registered with a PRO
[< 77 >] of 293