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Crazy 16/17


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77 tracks, not registered with a PRO
342 tracks, registered with a PRO

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Harmonic bass notes against funky drums that have lots of space for expression back a playful guitar melody. The chorus section has a little more drama with a more legato feel, but the track always has plenty of energy and groove.

Laying Down A Groove
387. Encounters 01:09

Sounds emerge out of the darkness to reveal a track taunting you into the shadows with edgy string melodies and light percussive elements . Disturbing and haunting, this piece has a really sinister feel to it.

388. Halloween Nightmare 01:41

This is simply a horror soundscape made of droning bass notes and all types of sound effects such as heart beats, footsteps and a creaking door. Helps paint an audio picture of terrifying tension and spooky goings on.

Halloween Nightmare
389. Morning Aftermath 01:53

The uncommon sound of a bass clarinet sets a weird and unearthly feeling to this spacious track which exudes mystery and suspense. Sometimes historical and mystical in nature but always strange, this piece makes you feel uneasy and nervous.

Morning Aftermath
390. Spook 02:37

Trembling chords offer a suitable spooky feel to this drum and bass track that has a tense, mysterious ambience. Fast and full of energy, you need to escape as quickly as you can. Phat bass later near the end as the whole piece comes to an abrupt end.

77 tracks, not registered with a PRO
342 tracks, registered with a PRO
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