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New Tracks 15/20

You can use this page to listen to the 500 latest tracks we added to our Library.


500 Tracks

[< 15 of 20
126 tracks, not registered with a PRO
374 tracks, registered with a PRO

Waveform will be available soon!


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358. Shuffle Kerfuffle 02:45
Added on: 27.12.2022

A catchy old school swing track featuring contemporary drum loops with some timeless brass hooks. The track is driven forward with infectious beats and percussion that adds a snappy toe tapping feel. Funky and fun.

Shuffle Kerfuffle
371. Why Us 02:30
Added on: 27.12.2022

A orchestral hybrid cue, the use of 70's / 80's synths in combination with the common orchestra, this piece has a modern Sci-Fi feel with an A-list Hollywood production. The use of orchestral hits throughout this cue gives momentum and pace to any scene, as the piece concludes it ranges in dynamics to give the most dramatic end.

Why Us
126 tracks, not registered with a PRO
374 tracks, registered with a PRO
[< 15 of 20