On this page you find various options to browse through the Proud Music Library. The tag cloud displayed below after choosing a category offers you an overview on the stylistic focuses of our library. The bigger a genre is displayed the more tracks it contains. It may be advisable to narrow down your search in the search engine with more attributs, if you are searching music tracks from these styles.
Ambient and Very Ethnic... Festive and Joyful Dance Song
for the Bride... Dynamically Driven by Ambient Drums, Strings
and Horns growing to Very Emotional Heights with Large
Choir, Flutes, Harp and Strings - a Special Song filled with
Love and the Promise of a Wonderful Fu
Mid-tempo Big Majestic and Heroic Orchestral piece tells
the Tale of Victory... Love for a Battle that’s just been Won...
Evil Conquered... Peace restored...Grateful to Heaven... Praise
for the Soldier's Bravery. Powerful Drums, Epic Horns and Ardent
Choir. You’ll want to stand up and Salute.
Very smooth and attention-commanding opening...Moody,
distant guitar riffs... the vocals bring out the ambience in the
song... takes you on a trip through the decades of all sorts of
very diverse musical genres... at one point there is a powerful
gospel-style voice singing over the choir, horns, and strings.
Heavy and Dynamic Chinese Cymbals and Percussion
open up for and carry an Arabian Woman’s Beautiful and
Wholehearted Very Dance-Like Song about Spirituality and
Love - joined by Orchestral and Ethnic Instruments in Harmonious
Concert Raising the song and our spirits To New Heights
Ending With Bliss. Very Eclectic and Epic at the Same Time.
In this fairy-tale world it's going to be proper and electronically. Groove with garlands of sparkling small pads and synths running in the background, the basis for the flight of the little elves. The extended mix.
The calm before the storm or the big eruption. He still sleeps peacefully, the big mega-volcano, but this skillful mix of Classic and Electronic casts dark forebodings.
• for non-advertising use, unlimited in time, worldwide
valid for:
• editorial film / documentary (for Internet / TV / IPTV or broadcast) or
• background music for one website and subdomains or
• corporate film or
• film for personal marketing (Recruiting film) or
• product film or
• on-hold loop for one port or
• corporate podcast or
• The performance of a play
• copies up to 1.000 units (USB, DVD, download)
Additional use (eg. large number of copies, multiple usage in projects), student projects, private videos on request
160,50 EUR - Online Advertising
• for promotional context online, unlimited in time, worldwide valid for:
• one online commercial / advertising film or
• one trailer / teaser / viral film
• incl. one microsite
Additional use (e.g., in-stream advertising as post-, mid-, or pre-rolls) or infomercials on request
10,70 EUR - Sound System
• NOT for Film, Video, Games or Stage productions, no synchronization rights included
• unlimited in time
• valid for commercial areas up to 5000 sqm
For commercial areas over 5000 sqm on request
133,00 EUR - Reproduction 5.000
• for non-advertising use, unlimited in time, worldwide
valid for:
• editorial film / documentary (for Internet / TV / IPTV or broadcast) or
• background music for one website and subdomains or
• corporate film or
• film for personal marketing (Recruiting film) or
• product film or
• on-hold loop for one port or
• corporate podcast or
• The performance of a play
• copies up to 5.000 units (USB, DVD, download)
214,00 EUR - Reproduction 10.000
• for non-advertising use, unlimited in time, worldwide
valid for:
• editorial film / documentary (for Internet / TV / IPTV or broadcast) or
• background music for one website and subdomains or
• corporate film or
• film for personal marketing (Recruiting film) or
• product film or
• on-hold loop for one port or
• corporate podcast or
• The performance of a play
• copies up to 10.000 units (USB, DVD, download)
Additional use (eg. large number of copies, multiple usage in projects), student projects, private videos on request
160,50 EUR - Radio Advertising
• for one year, national
• valid for one radio spot
160,50 EUR - Cinema Advertising
• for one year, national
• valid for one cinema spot (commercial, trailer, teaser)
• in one language version
160,50 EUR - Online Advertising
• for promotional context online, unlimited in time, worldwide valid for:
• online commercial / advertising film or
• trailer / teaser / viral film
• incl. one microsite
Additional use (e.g., in-stream advertising as post-, mid-, or pre-rolls) or infomercials on request
160,50 EUR - Display Signage
• for one year, national
• valid for one display commercial in one language (e.g. point-of-sales (POS), on trade fairs, digital signage, etc.)
10,70 EUR - TV-Broadcast
• For non-commercial use
• For editorial TV-contributions, documentaries
• NOT for internet
An additional usage (TV•Trailer, Jingles, etc.) on request
1.284,00 EUR - Advertising (TV)
• valid for 1 year, national
• for one TV spot
Regardless of the number of broadcasts within the license duration
An additional usage (Reminder, cutdowns, other language version) or only regional on request, currently discounts between 30 - 50% possible
Prices shown including 7% VAT. For individual usage not listed here (e.g. regional advertising, advertising campaigns, mass-replication), please get in touch with us for a quote!