What would a moving image cartoon be without music and sounds? Only half? No, almost nothing at all. All the *clank*, *Scared* and *gulps* or the grandiose music of a Scott Bradley, which we know all too well from the Tom&Jerry cartoons, have made many a cartoon a cartoon legend. On this page you'll find a selection of stock music from our Production Music Library.
What is a cartoon?
A cartoon is a non-realistic or semi-realistic drawing, usually with satirical content - also understood as a caricature or humorous representation. Even in the Middle Ages, caricaturists sketched the preliminary drawing of a work of art. It was not until the 19th century that humorous illustrations appeared in magazines and newspapers.
Film cartoons - true works of art?
From the early 20th century this art became more refined and embodied itself in comics and cartoons. It is hard to imagine film cartoons without music. The composer Scott Bradley in particular has made a name for himself in the musical reinforcement of the famous Tom&Jerry cartoons and is regarded as a pioneer of modern cartoon music. This kind of music is used less in advertising, but more in film comedies, e.g. in the US film comedy "The Mask" with Jim Carrey from 1994, screenplay by Michel Fallon.
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Wat zou een bewegende tekenfilm zijn zonder muziek en geluiden? Slechts de helft? Nee, bijna niets. Alle *clank*, *Scared* en *gulps* of de grandioze muziek van een Scott Bradley, die we maar al te goed kennen van de Tom&Jerry cartoons, hebben van menig tekenfilm een tekenfilmlegende gemaakt. Op deze pagina vindt u een selectie van stockmuziek uit onze Production Music Library Proud Music Library.
Wat is een cartoon?
Een cartoon is een niet-realistische of semi-realistische tekening, meestal met satirische inhoud - ook begrepen als een karikatuur of humoristische voorstelling. Al in de Middeleeuwen schetsten karikaturisten de voorlopige tekening van een kunstwerk. Pas in de 19de eeuw verschenen er humoristische illustraties in tijdschriften en kranten.
Filmcartoons - echte kunstwerken?
Filmcartoons - ware kunstwerken?
Vanaf het begin van de 20e eeuw werd deze kunst verfijnder en werd ze belichaamd in strips en cartoons. Filmcartoons zonder muziek zijn moeilijk voor te stellen. Vooral de componist Scott Bradley heeft naam gemaakt in de muzikale versterking van de beroemde Tom&Jerry-cartoons en wordt beschouwd als een pionier van de moderne cartoonmuziek. Dit soort muziek wordt minder gebruikt in de reclame, maar meer in filmkomedies, bijvoorbeeld in de Amerikaanse filmkomedie "The Mask" met Jim Carrey uit 1994, het scenario van Michel Fallon.
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full orchestra, featuring Strings, Woodwinds and percussion
Symphonic Orchestra, solo instruments, motivic work, film music, epic, tutti
Uptempo, happy ragtime piece with a country twang. Performed entirely on acoustic guitars. Wholesome fun!
A classical ""Tom and Jerry"" background music. Little mouse trick of the big cat, audio comics
A fast, fun and bouncy country hoedown featuring dobros. Just dobro and drums first time through -- then drums, bass and rhythm guitars join in. Hee-haw!
Happy, uptempo "Hot Club of France" type jazz, performed on acoustic guitars. ("Boulangerie" is French and means Bakery).
Vibrant, happy boosting mood featuring handmade ukulele, and bass. Perfect for explainer videos, advertising, cartoon and comedy content. Dispenses optimism, fun and joy. Version without beats and percussion.
Playful bassoon with flute and percussion.
Funny jazz track with playful alto saxophone and clean e-guitar. The piece is swifty and humorous and has an ironical middle part. Perfect as a kids show intro, for a funny commercial or a sympathic explanation video.
Uptempo country track with electric and steel guitar top lines, and a ska like double time rhythm. Great for western or animation.
Accordion, tuba and harmonica with an ominous end.
full orchestra, featuring, Woodwinds, Strings and percussion
Silly Children tune for cartoons, animation or children show, happy and fun.
Cartoon characters being silly and racing around.
Silly Children tune for cartoons, animation or children show, happy and fun.
Full orchestra, featuring pizzicato strings, Bassoon, tuba and percussion.
full orchestra, featuring pizzicato strings, Woodwinds and percussion