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Research 3/10


3 of 10
233 tracks, not registered with a PRO
10 tracks, registered with a PRO

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Experimental industrial ambient with lots of distorted sounds, distinctive, heavy and powerful synths and forward driving beats. Sounds like a lava fountain spitting fire. Perfect as an underscore for technical and scientific processes and slow motion.

Groundbreaking Technology Two (Without Beats) - Completely Royalty Free Music

Pulsating electro basses, floating pads, groovy beats. Relaxing, descent in the background, but at the same time enervating. Perfect Underscore for technical and scientific 3D animations, product presentations and visualizations of innovative products.

AAA Design (electro Mix)  - Completely Royalty Free Music

Sister Chill and brother Trance meeting for a afternoon dance with production music at the bakery of uncle Franz. Who is actually a royalty-free music butcher…. Soeur Chill et frère Trance se rencontrent pour une après-midi dansante avec musique de production à la boulangerie de l'oncle Franz. Qui est en fait un boucher de royalty-free music....... Sister Chill y su hermano Trance se reúnen para una tarde de baile con música de producción en la panadería de Uncle Franz. Quien es en realidad un carnicero de la royalty-free music............... Irmã Chill e irmão Trance se encontram para uma tarde de dança com música de produção na padaria do tio Franz. Quem é realmente um açougueiro de música livre de royalty-free music.................. Sorella Chill e fratello Trance si incontrano per un pomeriggio di balli con musica di produzione nella panetteria dello zio Franz. Chi è in realtà un macellaio di musica royalty-free.....................

Sister Chill and Brother Trance - Completely Royalty Free Music
233 tracks, not registered with a PRO
10 tracks, registered with a PRO
3 of 10