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Topic search SPORTS 63/208


5193 tracks

[< 63 >] of 208
1951 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3242 tracks, registered with a PRO

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1551. genghis 04:04

Simple powerful hard rocker with an Eastern flavour to the guitars parts and leads, giving it a great range of sonic colours. Very uptempo and energising.Would suit action , sports , thriller type projects. Contains guitars, bass and drums.

1554. cryptid 03:43

Synth arpeggios hypnotize as they grow in intensity, a drum groove joins in then thick walls of fuzzy guitars. Suddenly you're powering forward with huge impetus. A unique track with a few surprising twists and turns. Jump aboard if you can handle it.

1555. cipher 06:18

Intense bludgeoning guitar riffs bellow out as you are dragged into the ring for an all out battle with the superbeast. Truly an epic journey of enriffment that will leave you ravaged and breathless. Contains guitars , string, drums and bass.

1557. bluster 04:09

Monolithically powerful riff-fest. monster drum grooves and blunt guitars poke at you like steel lances until you capitulate. Reminiscent of White Zombie or Prong. There is a brief reprieve from the intensity in the mid section only for the seas of guitars to return and finish the job. Would suit sports, action, thriller projects.

1558. assassin 04:15

Unique blend of regal strings and horns and hefty guitars. The verse is a slow grooving electro beat which builds slowly via a b section of clean swirling guitar and lamenting vocal loops into an explosion of guitars and drums. VERY filmically dramatic, intense and quite unexpected. Listen for yourself !

1951 tracks, not registered with a PRO
3242 tracks, registered with a PRO
[< 63 >] of 208