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Leben am Limit, schörkellose Rocknummer, klare Riffs, klare Richtung - nach vorne.
Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht, Heavy Metal Rock wie er sein muss mit einer aussergewöhnlichen Perkussionbridge
Intense, atmospheric & anthemically powerful guitar track with an exotic flavor to it. Like the theme to a gritted-teeth desert battle on camel-back. A journey full of intent, the desire for victory & glory but hours away. Contains guitars, bass, drums and strings.
hier brennts lichterloh, Metaltrash mit sparsamer Besetzung, aber heftig
Hard, gritty, techno rock. Filtered and distorted bass guitar, processed drums and biting guitar riffs. Similar to Crystal Method or The Matrix etc. Full mix.
Rasanter Production Music Track mit E-Gitarren und Breakbeat.
Alarmstufe dunkelrot - Action pur, heavy Hardrock als Klangambiente für den nächsten -das Gute siegt immer- - Kinohit
Hypnotically evil and threatening riff based piece that builds and builds until it's danger of catching fire. Brutal malevolence and evil incarnate. Guitars, bass and drums.
A truly drama-filled riff-fest. Would suit a movie car chase or any adrenalised sport project. Right from the groovy ambient intro, big guitars pile in and carry you of into Riffland. The verse drops to a cool bass and drum groove until the chorus part's screaming guitar chords and pumping bass sweep you away with intensity. Contains guitars, bass, drums and strings.
Rock guitar riffs and diveboms with funky hammond organ, horn stabs in a high energy, positive drive, upbeat sports/action track with elements of rock, techno and funk.
Siren synth sequences bring this track to life, before a huge drum groove joins them, taking the fever pitch higher. Finally incendiary heavy guitars collide into nail-biting life. A very groovy and powerful combination of sounds. Contains synth guitars, drums and bass.
Starts with a twisted and distorted synth drone. pounding drums enter and add to the intensity. Chorus part brings monster guitar riffs which bludgeon you into submission.Track gathers in momentum and intensity towards end when searing lead guitar hovers above the maelstrom. Contains guitars, synth, drums and bass.
Rasanter Rock mit starker Sologitarre, Terz-Passagen und jeder Menge Action. Ein ruhiger Mittelteil bildet ein konträres Mittelstück.
Twisted synth sequences get this pitbull of a track moving, then massive guitar riffs crash in with drums and bass to form an irresistible groove. Imagine a cross between White Zombie and Kraftwerk. Contains drums, synth, bass and lots of guitars!
Fast drum and bass with a big fat guitar riff and slide guitar. UK Top Gear inspired super car music. Fast and furiouse sliding out cars and bikes street race.
Melodischer Instrumental-Rock, soft und leicht melancholisch. Sehr eingängig.
Rockballade über Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit. Vertrau mir, ich werde da sein. Zum Mitschniefen.
Melodischer Instrumental-Rock, soft und leicht melancholisch. Sehr eingängig.
Anrührende Pop-Ballade, kleine Besetzung mit Gitarre, Piano, Bass und Drums
Unique, dark, heavy, dynamic & intense riff rocker with unusual sounds and rhythms. highly motivated & full of bombastic drama & edgy suspense. truly a rollercoaster ride. contains bass, drums & lots of guitars.
Hart und heavy, hämmernde Gitarren, treibender Beat.
harte E-Gitarren, Solo-Gitarre, ein zerhacktes Synthi-Pad, progressive, hart, eiskalt
Ein düsterer und verdrehter Fantasy oder Science-Fiction-Soundtrack. Düster und majestätisch zugleich, zeigt das Stück einen tiefen Konflikt, auch Schmerz und Entschlossenheit. Geeignet für explosive Trailer, Kriegs- oder Kampf - Filmmaterial.
Dies ist ein schnelles, brutales, rücksichtsloses und unerbittlich loderndendes Hard Rock Inferno. Bestens geeignet für Rohmaterial, Zerstörung und Krieg, Brände und Massaker, Extrem Sport usw.
Intense, energised, motivated, driven, powerful, raw, gutsy, gritty, rebellious rock track with pounding drums, searing lead guitar and monster riffs. Would suit extreme sports,action thriller,combat,conflict type projects.
Psychedelic intro then straight for the throat in this dramatically intense, stompy post punk riffest-fest. Think Foo Fighters meet Deftones. Contains lead and rhythm guitars, bass, drums and strings.
Pure rock drama! Waves of guitars and drums come crashing in on the intro synth sequence...intensity builds through the verse until the chorus attacks with full on guitars and staccato strings. The last chorus has 2 searing lead guitar solos to up the heat just one more notch. Contains guitars, bass, strings, synth and drums.
agressive Gitarren, Pentatonik-Läufe, H-Blockxx-ähnlicher Refrain, kompromißlos
Voll auf die 12. Die Gitarre schreit. Jede Menge Power. Die Frisur des Gitarristen sitzt.
Heavy Metall Headbanger
Elektronischer Groover mit digitalisierten Gitarren und vielschichtigen Synth-Layern über einem funkigen, uptempo Schlagzeug. Ein wenig wie die Chemical Brothers mit spannungsgeladenen Gitarren. Fürs Fernsehen - und die neue Version des A-Teams.