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Grand Opening for full symphonic orchestra leads into a very Sweet and Tender Celesta theme that is joined by Grand Piano and Clarinet building higher and higher as it is joined by Choir, Strings and Percussion growing steadily more heartfelt and tender into a big and Majestic Finale
Dramatic, Dreamy sequences and orchestral arrangements, topped with serene female vocals... Bjork-style voices... full-on symphonic jazz... catchy drum line. Ethnic percussions, strings, timpani, cellos...lots of Energy.
A Big Gong opens a brief, Slow-tempo Modern Orchestral Piece that signals Doom or something big and mighty approaching or about to happen - a little Scary but also Majestic and Powerful with forceful Crescendo Strings and Trumpets joining in a forceful Climatic End
Impressive fanfare Starting with a Symphonic Orchestra Warm-Up followed by a Huge Orchestral Glissando leading to a Very Majestic and "Big" fanfare Applauded At The End.
Mid-tempo, full orchestral Pensive piece with a slightly sad feel to it... reminiscing... reflecting on your life as you return to it - and coming back, literally or mentally, wiser and stronger and with fewer illusions about life and people
A big Orchestral Cluster Swirl-up draws us into a Groovy symphonic dance drumbeat carrying a strong, happy, almost epic celebratory melody with hints of Beach Boys - something fantastic has finally been achieved - a Tribute to Victory or that Summer and Vacation are finally here again: time for the beach
Commences with a beautiful, fragile Erhu note triggering a deep, pensive grand piano...classical orchestra fading in and out accompanying the Erhu in a kind of call-and-response as the Erhu blithely proceeds within its own thoughts along a journey in a clear quest for answers that remain elusive to the end.
Strong Intro. Picturesque. Haunting harmonies... Multimoods: sad, then mysterious, then foreboding, then reluctantly triumphant seamlessly flowing... a hearty, modern sound... seems to constantly solidify the mood of a mix between 20th century music and ancient polyphonic church choir styles.
Opens with a stormy hurricane-like effect that sets off a serene heart pulse Chinese gong beat and a melancholic Erhu and violin theme carried along by timpani and clarinet to a very soft and fragile peak achieved by a faint Madison Square Garden crowd choir...a crying out for something or someone - or for celebration... with hope and belief inserted and inspired by a confident and courageous flute... all ending in a harmonious concert of new hope and peace
Deep Unearthly Roaring opens up to a Religious Intro by a church Choir singing hallelujah until Ambient Drums commence a steady, almost groovy beat leading into a slightly syncopated chorus with the church choir singing Hosana repeatedly on top, almost in the fashion of a mainstream pop song
Big Ominous Greek church Choir opens up solemnly singing Jesus Christi, leading in to an Indian Male vocalist paying homage supported by Angelic female choir, Swirling Harp, Strings and a light Ambient Drum pad helping it all to faithfully cruise along in a very mellow way until taking a turn to reach a dramatic end
Dramatic, orchestral Slow and Threatening lead-in to Col Legno strings and Orchestral and Ambient Percussion...Ride or Chase emphasized by Deep Grand Piano notes, Powerful Trombones, Strong Violin melody and Woodwind Riffs growing steadily to a Majestic Height towards a Dynamic Conclusion.
Captivating... Suspenseful intro… beautiful harmonies... picturesque piece for chamber strings... The 20th century mood mixed with beautiful classical phrases is unusual, haunting and emotionally stirring... a lot of interesting interplay between the parts and variety between sections... mysterious undertone.
Kühl, dunkel und grüblerisch. Bezaubernder umfassender Beat…. Asiatischer Klang mit einer dramatischen Note….mit Computerstimmen, "to be or not to be", guter perkussiver Hintergrund.
A Tender Clarinet introduces us to a Very Devout Operalike Male Serenade accompanied by Lush Strings and Trumpet until Answered by an Indian Female with a Joyful and Positive response leading into a Big Orchestral Statement that Joins the two in a profound loving Duet. A very special Love Song
Music to be transported by... intriguing. Soothing… Very peaceful and calming... opens with stunningly beautiful operatic female vocals, orchestral swirling and an open feel... Sprinklings of flute... breathtaking orchestral swells throughout... a dreamy, filmscape mood of sunsets and vast oceans... the vocals are ethereal and full of purity and beauty.
Big Orchestral Symphonic piece with Aaron Copland-like mood and theme that Steadily Grows into a Huge Cleansing Resolution in the Finale. Something Very Important or Big is happening or about to happen - or to be Celebrated, like a War that’s finally Over - Evil has been Defeated - Justice has Prevailed. Cinematic and Epic.
Very Dramatic Orchestral Start filled with Suspense - something is About To Happen or Being Questioned - a build up - and at the Same Time a Hopeful Prayer Recited by Expressive Indian Male Vocals that get the final word.
Majestic. Sweeping, full orchestral instrumentation. Very emotional piece.. Male vocals compliment our lady, followed by gongs, and a female choir. The song builds up to a climax, then everything calms, a trumpet sounds, and violins sing of victory, sunshine and happiness... calming and powerful at the same time.
Mid-tempo Ambient Drum beat proceeds steadily with Dynamic Energy...a deep discussion about life between Woodwinds and Brass accompanied by Strings, Choir, and Tambourine in a Very Melodic, Melancholy but Also Uplifting Theme - that really starts to is hard but also wonderful: so let the music play.
Beautiful Harp and Tender Cello join with Tremolo Strings and Choirboy Duet leading into a very Sweet, Sad, Sincere and Heartfelt Melody carried by Strings, Choir and Mellow French Horn to an Echoing Weightless Space of Bliss - in Praise of something Big and Wonderful, important, or Past Memories of something or someone Very Dear to you.
Sweet and Heartfelt... Beautiful uplifting mid-tempo orchestral Hymn to one of Chinese children's most beloved pets... the Erhu plays the major part in bringing East and West together in joyful ambient and contemporary classical harmony... rises to a majestic climax before it mellows out in a dreamy, happy, sparkling way.
Eine Verfolgungsjagd.. Lieblicher und harmonischer Mix aus Klassik und Elektro…Klavierbögen kontrakariert durch Blech- und Holzbläser und perkussiven Mallets….das Orchester antwortet mit brausenden Riffs
Feierliche Eleganz im Retro-Klassik-Stil, sauber durchgeführt.
Klassischer Feierabend-Reigen, elektronisch aufgepeppt, der Sonnenkönig lässt grüßen
klassischer Feierabend-Reigen, elektronisch aufgepeppt
Elektronisches Orchester mit zahlreichen Fills, ein kreisendes Thema zaubert eine mysteriöse Stimmung
die kleine Schwester der großen Fuge, klassische Streicher intonieren einen Höhenflug
Irgendwo zwischen Klassik, Hollywood und Worldfusion
nachdenklichkeit auf einer sommerwiese
anfangs weich und getragen, ab 01:15 wird’s wild und chaotisch wie in einer klassischen Krimi-Verfolgungsjagd, bestes Hollywood-Kino
Die Spiele mögen beginnen!
Marsch der Arbeitsbienen - klassisches Intro
Verträumte Gitarrentupfer vor großem Landschaftsparanorama in den Bergen. Romantische Stimmung garantiert.
Ruhiges Orchesterstück mit bewegter pizzicato-Melodie und liegenden Tönen
musikalische Ankündigung von Veränderung, untergründig spannend, treibendes Piano vor schwellenden Streichern, trotzdem zart
böse Vorahnungen am Morgen der Entscheidungsschlacht, stimmungsvoll und episch
Synthieversion der sonntäglichen Königinnenparade in Buckingham
Klassiches Liebesgedicht, beginnt mit Piano und Oboe, breite Orchesterunterstützung, feinsinnig
mit diesem klassischen Hintergrund fällt jeder Abschied ein bißchen leichter
wunderschönes Klassikstück, Piano ganz groß
die Nacht vor der Entscheidung, großes Kino mit noch größerem Ensemble macht aus jeder Mücke einen Elefanten