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Trippiger Acid-Jazz, locker und leicht dahingeswingt, für die Zigarette danach
Gitarren-Piano Ballade, einfach und berührend
sentimental mit bewusst verschlepptem Groove, eigensinnig und trotzdem anmutig
ausgefeilte rhythmische Riffs, ansonsten konsequent synthetisch und treibend
Eigentlich ein Dance-Track mit pulsierendem Beat, aber einer mit verzerrten Synth-Gitarre, stimmigen Breaks and weichen, kaskadenartigen Piano-Melodien. Viele Hooks, mal vom Synth, mal vom Piano, dann wieder von den ""hendrixartigen"" Gitarren.
wallt wie ein sanfter Wind vom Meer, leise Töne stark in Szene gesetzt
das berühmte Inselfeeling, Robinson grüsst Freitag und spielt dazu Akustik-Gitarre, schwer chillig
einprägsames Synth-Thema, das in verschiedensten Variationen immer wieder auftaucht, ein Tag am Meer
Ever felt the presence of someone used to be in your life but who has now become your guardian angel? This piece has that kind of vibe. Slightly melancholy and yearning but hopeful. Soft piano and mournful strings combine to make a very soothing and mellow lament. Contains strings, piano, bass and drums.
Epic, grand, positive, inspiring, motivated, dynamic, uplifting, glorious and emotive electro rock track. anthemic and catchy. it sounds like a call to the people for a long awaited revolution. builds as it progresses to a rousing climax
Trancey synth sequences and an irresistible beat grab you straight away. Hypnotic Dance beats and fat bass lines add to the momentum as this tune gets moving...and once it starts, the impetus stays with you. Different synth pads and sequences come and go as the sonic tapestry is woven. Contains....yes.. synths...lots..and drums, too!
A solid dose of energy comes across in this infectious track somewhere between rock and electronica. Urgent synth patterns and slamming guitar riffs with tightly compressed drums. Great for sport, excitement, action or any high impact media with high energy levels.
Easy going, sun drenched, breezy and soave. A delicious chill-out jewel with acoustic guitars and a the very slightest of jazzy feel. Summertime, relaxation, good times, romance and sun-licked beaches, all rolled into one irresistable chillout groove.
Cool, urban funk, rock.Cool, urban funk, rock.
Sechziger Jahre Hitparaden-Sound. Stilsicher und modebewußt!