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Band-Rock 2/172


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1084 Gemafreie Musiktitel
3206 (GEMA-Repertoire)

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31. Take Me To A Place 03:06

Clean guitars with lots of reverb and delay create an open and airy feel to this progressive rock track. Later on, the piece builds with drums, more guitars and bass to a powerful and emotive climax. Aspirational, inspirational, hope, hopeful, emotional.

Take Me To A Place
35. Ride my Pinky 02:33

Grease! .. Rock and Roll Rockabilly-Musik, die für jede 50er Jahre Film-oder Comedy-Sitcom passt. Mit Gitarre und Klavier. Glücklich, lebendig, fröhlich ... Happy Days!

Ride my Pinky
38. I've Found You 03:01

A gentle and poignant acoustic pop track. A piano lead is backed up by acoustic guitars, drums, soft synths and a beautiful violin section towards the end. Romantic and thoughtful with a feel of true love and happiness. Great for film, tv, commercials and more.

I've Found You

A positive and melodic rock track with a very slight southern feel. Good for TV shows, presentations, commercials and more. Has a feelgood vibe, lots of melodic guitar bits, and a 'family friendly' rock sound. Fun and bright.

Teenage Weekend (Underscore version)
46. Down the Road 02:23

A bold and upfront indie rock track. Edgy guitars with driving drums and bass create a tight sounding groove with a real drive and also a slightly funky breakdown. Raw and youthful, this track is great for projects looking for that cool edge and appeal.

Down the Road
47. The Good Life 02:22

Ein liebevoller und sanfter Pop-Rock-Song. Akustische und elektrische Gitarren, leichtes Schlagzeug und Bass mit Orgel. Familiäre Bindungen, ewige Freundschaft, gute und glückliche Erinnerungen. Warm und herzlich. Originell, anrührend und voller Hoffnung.

The Good Life
1084 Gemafreie Musiktitel
3206 (GEMA-Repertoire)
2 >] von 172