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Ein offener und luftiger orchestraler Soundtrack mit einem magischen, majestätischen Gefühl. Gut für die weite Panoramabilder, Schifffahrts-und Luftverkehrs Filmmaterial, inspirierende Vorträge, fröhliche Retrospektiven Montagen, Romantik oder positive, erhebende Media Projekte.
Tender and sorrowful, cinematic film, drama underscore. Sweeping strings, light orchestra. Touching, emotional, sad.
intense, upbeat, and inspirational melodic rock track with plenty of driving drums, passionate lead guitar, pulasting brass & dramatic strings. would suit action/thriller/sports type projects. anything that requires real energy
Huge, epic and soaring track with full orchestra and choir. A strong, slow, pulsating rhythm, lifted by a glorifying, majestic choral chant, almost fanfare like. Rise of a hero or warrior, or the arrival of a majestic, overwhelming horde or fleet etc. Great for fantasy, adventure, scifi, trailers, sports trailers etc. Also available in a 'no choir' mix as well as a 'rock mix' with extra power.
Zwei Akustik-Gitarren in schönster Eintracht, da fallen selbst den Englein die Äuglein zu, so schööön
A very haunting and worrysome latin musette waltz with a beautiful melody and moving harmony featuring piano, accordion, guitar, bass, drums and percussion.
intense, powerful, driven, exciting, atmospheric, explosive, cinematic & highly dramatic modern rock track with strong eastern flavours in it's chords & percussion. spacey, exotic scales combine with big guitars & hefty driven drums. would suit action/thriller/travel/sports projects
Neue Formen braucht das Land, gezupfter Synth mit feinen Heulbojensweeps
Zwischenepisode eines Fantasy-Abenteurers, die Helden auf dem Weg ins nächste Ungemach
Bissiger, schneller (Punk-) Rock-Titel, der ordentlich nach vorne losgeht. Der konsequente Spannungsaufbau in Strophe und Bridge mündet in einem melodischen, euphorisierenden Refrain. Zwischendrin ein heiter bis melancholisch anmutender Half-Time-Part ...
lässiger Funk-Moove mit Sax und gehaltvollem Beat
Im Takt der Sanddünen auf dem heißen Wüstenwind dahin gleiten
heute nehmen wir uns frei...aber mit Schwung und guter Laune
Irisches, keltisches oder mittelalterliches Hintergrundstück. Drohne und Blockflöte / irische Flöte, mit Windspielen. Erinnerungen an Irland oder die Heimat. Umgebung.
A fast, fun and bouncy country hoedown featuring dobros. Just dobro and drums first time through -- then drums, bass and rhythm guitars join in. Hee-haw!
A down and dirty, groovy mid-tempo rocker. Determined, cool and confident.
Happy, uptempo "Hot Club of France" type jazz, performed on acoustic guitars. ("Boulangerie" is French and means Bakery).
der Gute-Laune-Trailer fürs Frühstücksfernsehen
Magical, orchestral piece. Starts as a fantasy introduction, then progresses to a funny waltz and finally returns to the magical part again.
An upbeat workout, action track with a lot of attitude. Pumped full of groove and positive drive, this track features brash and up-front synth stabs to give you a good energy boost. Great for action games, high speed sports footage, racing and cardio workouts - running, spinning, rhythm boxing, uptempo aerobics - or for exciting, action filled corporate messages etc. Confident and determined.
A high flying, free spirited, emotional pop, rock instrumental. A subtle, withheld verse part gives way to a soaring chorus part with vocal lead and intense guitar parts.