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trotzig und cool daher laufender Jazz-Pop Song mit funkigem Zwischenteil. Klavier, Rhodes, Schlagzeug gehen voran und nehmen dich mit in Film und Radio.
Spährischer und weicher Elektronik Track mit schönen Arpeggio Synths und knackigem Beat, der sich prima für Business, Technik, Börse, Finanzen und Wissenschaft eignet.
Klingt nach einer ausgelassenen Party abends am Strand. Schöne Frauen tanzen und bunte Cocktails werden serviert, während dieser Reggae-Track mit Gitarren, E-Piano, Bass, Drums, Percussion und Bläsern für gute Laune sorgt.
Sommerlich, leicht und ein wenig melancholisch. Dieser Pop-Song enthält melodische E- und Akustikgitarren, Bass, Percussion, sanfte Bads und Drums. Prima zur Untermalung von langen, einsamen Sandstränden, Urlaubsbildern oder entspannten Autofahrten durch heiße Gegenden.
Perfekte Musik für Catwalks, Modenschauen, Lifestyle, Jugend und Fun. Satte Electro Beats und Bässe sorgen mit fluffigen Synths für einen tanzbaren Groove, der modern und cool klingt.
Coole Gitarren-Sounds und ein Klavier kreieren eine schöne Dynamik zwischen ruhigen und kraftvollen Passagen. Treibend, motivierend, atmosphärisch und funky.
Szenen einer nächtlichen Stadt, in der geträumt, gefühlt und getanzt wird. Romantisch und sexy. Ideal für Mode und Lifestyle.
Simpler, jugendlicher, positiver Indie Rock Track, der direkt auf den Punkt kommt und nach Rebellion, Abenteuer und Freiheit klingt. Sehr rhythmisch und treibend und motivierend.
Innovative Ideen am Puls der Zeit und noch viel weiter... Dynamisch vorwärtstreibernder Electro Track mit Orchester Elementen und Live Gitarre.
slow, sleazy, lazy, mellow, passionate, soulful, climactic track. imagine yourself in some new orleans blues dive-audience in darkness, air thick with smoke, sweat dripping from your brow as you watch the dimly lit band bare their souls & tell of about the heartache in their lives. baby done left me
slow, dreamy, beautiful, ethereal, spacious, thoughtful, soundscape that gets your mind wandering and whirring. simple, soft piano melodies combine with lush, emotive strings & tiny electronic percussion noises to create music suitable for mystery/dramatic/documentary/travel/spy/psych thriller projects.
Powerful, dramatic, intense & heavy cinematic rock track. Tension soaked strings combine with big guitars & driven drums to make music suitable for action adventure / sports / thriller projects.
intense, powerful, driven adrenaline-rocker. unusual guitar chords in the intro bring in drama, tension & expectation. this is followed by big guitars & massive drums. high anticipation. great forward momentum & determination. searing lead guitar. would suit sports/action/adventure/thrillers
Intense, powerful, driven, hectic, heavy, frantic & edgy modern metal track. enormous forward energy & weight makes sure this beast hammers it home. no messing. monster chugged guitar riffs combine with syncopated shard-like drums. would suit extreme sports/horror/thriller/action/military projs
exciting, epic, bouncy, driven, intense, dark, powerful & explosive stadium metal track full of tension, drama & mean forward momentum & energy. gritty, weighty, muscular & melodic. would suit action/thriller/extreme sports/fighting type projects.
crazy, fast, chaotic, intense, powerful, raucous, driven, wild, adrenalised, frenzied, rocket-fuelled rock track with monster riffs & explosive drums. a brooding groovy intro leads to an all out sonic dynamic assault. would suit action/thriller/extreme sports/combat type projects. can you handle it?
cool, exciting, positive, motivating, soulful, powerful, lively, passionate and driven blues-rock groover. big guitars, vocal samples, crowd handclaps & pumping drums combine to make music suitable for car/beer/liquor/cologne commercials or sports/action/thriller type projects.
Dark, tense, drama-soaked, heavy, epic, malevolant, bombastic, intensely-climactic rock track that builds & builds until it explodes into a ball of blindingly concentrated sonic might. would suit epic thriller/action/extreme sports/discovery/horror type projects.
no nonsense, head down, gutsy, gritty, edgy, power rocker with irresistable, driven groove & an epic, anthemic, exciting, almost live, stadium performance atmosphere & energy. would suit extreme sports/action/thriller/combat type projects
Highly dramatic, intense, wild, gutsy, inspiring, excitement-filled, adrenaline-pumped orchestral rock track with huge guitars, lush strings, brass & driven, monster beats. dynamic, passionate, suspenseful & explosive. Would suit action adventure/thriller/extreme sports type projects.
a spacious intro leads into a full-on, crushing, powerful, exciting, supercharged, driven, adrenalized rocker with great drama & suspense. wicked, gritty, fiery, dynamic, lively & melodic. would suit extreme sports/action/thriller type projects.
dark, evil, wicked, sinister, unnerving, cinematic, haunting, disturbed soundtrack to impending danger. scary, edgy, bleak, ominous, doomy soundscape for use in horror/halloween/space/crime/murder type projects. run for your life and don't look behind you!
edgy, dramatic, exciting, atmospheric, driven, colourful & powerful electronic-rock track mixing spacious synths, plucked ethnic strings, phatt synth bass, frenetic beats & brass stabs. would suit action/thriller/sports/documentary type projects