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A warm and comforting ambient, pop crossover. Gently pulsating electronic drums, warm electric pianos. Dreamy, reflective, heartwarming. Mellow and relaxing.
A very happy and feelgood, homely and wholesome tune with a whistled melody, with acoustic guitars and bells. Joyful and positive, you simply can't help but feel happy and free. Pleasures of the simple life, relaxing and playful. Living the good life.
An easy going and steady acoustic pop track. Warm and soothing, combining acoustic guitars, drums and piano to create a great backing for many projects. A natural sounding track with a genuine and friendly appeal. Family and friendships, relaxing times with good friends, etc.
Moderner, sehr atmosphärischer Ambient Track mit effektvollen, weichen Synths und Gitarren, harmonischen Pianomelodien, schwebenden Pads und Effekten und groovigem Beat. Stimmungsvolle Hintergrundmusik.
Leicht dramatische, schöne Filmmusik, beginnend mit spannendem Aufbau mit staccato Stings und anschließendem Wechsel in ein tragendes Thema mit legato Streichern, Klavier und Hörnern. Melancholisch, dennoch positiv und hoffnungsvoll.
Verträumter, stimmungsvoller Ambient Track mit fernöstlichen Einflüssen, Streicher und Flöten, effektvoller Oud Sequenz und tiefem Bass; unterstützt von Piano und Pad; die positive und hoffnungsvolle Stimmung wirkt sehr beruhigend und lässt für einen wunderschönen Moment den Alltag vergessen.
Actionreicher Power Breakbeat, beginnend mit sehr akzentuierten Drums, markantem Bass und dezent eingesetzten Synths mit anschließendem Wechsel in eine Wand aus brachialen E-Gitarren, fetten Drums und knorkigem Bass, perfekt für actionreiche Werbespots, Auto-Rennspiele, Extremsport, Stunts oder generell Action.
Positiver Elektro-Pop Song mit einprägsamer Melodie mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert Dieser verspielte, fröhliche Song ist die perfekte Hintergundmusik für Jump’n'Run Spiele.
Hardcore Techno Track mit treibendem Synth Bass, aggressiven Synths, brachialen Beats und jeder Menge Spezial-Effekten. Power-Musik zum Vertonen von Sport-Clips oder generell thematisch zu Chaos, Action und Extremsport.
Fernöstlich, leicht indisch angehauchter Chillout-Song mit einer Mischung aus modernen Instrumenten wie E-Drums, E-Bass, effektvollen Percussions reverse Piano-Sounds und traditionellen Instrumenten wie Santur und Koto.
Glückliche Familien, schöne Natur und tolle Freundschaften
Light and airy synth chords fade in and out of the background to produce a floating sensation. Now and then a light tinkle or sparkle will accompany the sounds as they wash over you. Perfect for contemplation and meditation.
Easy listening lounge music that features a clarinet offering bright melodies over electric piano, bass, string pads and light percussion accompaniment. Very soft on the ears, this track contains no surprises, just smooth lines in a serene fashion.
Cool lounge lizard music mixing a little bit of jazz and funky in a light and easy listening package. A sax sings out with mellow grace as subtle backing comes from electric piano, bass and drums. Uncluttered smooth jazz.
A steady beat and pulsing string sounds create a metronomic effect to this strict-tempo track. Piano and simple bass add to melody and tension. This music has a feeling of needing to get to a certain time, almost like a countdown.
Sounds emerge out of the darkness to reveal a track taunting you into the shadows with edgy string melodies and light percussive elements . Disturbing and haunting, this piece has a really sinister feel to it.
Pounding drums force the rhythmic beat to this Middle Eastern track. High melodies reach up to the skies in a whirling dance of energy and euphoria.
Bright flute melodies rise above a bouncy bass pattern in this medium tempo bossa nova. Melodic phrases punctuated by mellow solos are the main parts of this latin track. Almost a certain edginess in parts, this music sways nicely to the rhythm.
Good wine and good company are all you need to accompany this delightfully French sounding track. Accordion and clarinet share the melody line whilst a light bass and drum backing follows in a graceful and undeniably chic style.
Light and bouncy jazz funk. One sax provides the lead whilst another sax plus electronic piano, bass and drums follow. Groovy phrases that ooze style and confidence. High sax honks act as a call to all in the territory to make it's presence known.
This is simply a horror soundscape made of droning bass notes and all types of sound effects such as heart beats, footsteps and a creaking door. Helps paint an audio picture of terrifying tension and spooky goings on.