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Tragic Farewell (SM476) provides music for quiet remembrance, seeking solace and images of regret. It takes you through the many layers of sorrow to underscore how you face tragedy and understand its impact on your life. The moods range from lamenting, solemn and brooding to bittersweet, emotional and apologetic. Featured instruments include piano, keyboards, strings and orchestra.
Tragic Farewell (SM476) provides music for quiet remembrance, seeking solace and images of regret. It takes you through the many layers of sorrow to underscore how you face tragedy and understand its impact on your life. The moods range from lamenting, solemn and brooding to bittersweet, emotional and apologetic. Featured instruments include piano, keyboards, strings and orchestra.
Tragic Farewell (SM476) provides music for quiet remembrance, seeking solace and images of regret. It takes you through the many layers of sorrow to underscore how you face tragedy and understand its impact on your life. The moods range from lamenting, solemn and brooding to bittersweet, emotional and apologetic. Featured instruments include piano, keyboards, strings and orchestra.
Tragic Farewell (SM476) provides music for quiet remembrance, seeking solace and images of regret. It takes you through the many layers of sorrow to underscore how you face tragedy and understand its impact on your life. The moods range from lamenting, solemn and brooding to bittersweet, emotional and apologetic. Featured instruments include piano, keyboards, strings and orchestra.
Tragic Farewell (SM476) provides music for quiet remembrance, seeking solace and images of regret. It takes you through the many layers of sorrow to underscore how you face tragedy and understand its impact on your life. The moods range from lamenting, solemn and brooding to bittersweet, emotional and apologetic. Featured instruments include piano, keyboards, strings and orchestra.
Tragic Farewell (SM476) provides music for quiet remembrance, seeking solace and images of regret. It takes you through the many layers of sorrow to underscore how you face tragedy and understand its impact on your life. The moods range from lamenting, solemn and brooding to bittersweet, emotional and apologetic. Featured instruments include piano, keyboards, strings and orchestra.
Mixed up World (SM478) is a varied collection of Celtic, Caribbean, African, French and Italian music that takes you from a shamrock waltz to a café on the River Seine. There is a sad Irish lullaby, a gentle bopping Caribbean beat and a classic Arabian Nights rhythm. The moods are carefree, happy and sunny as well as easygoing, relaxed and effortless. Featured instruments include pipes, flute, fiddle, acoustic guitar, accordion, steel drum and percussion.
Mixed up World (SM478) is a varied collection of Celtic, Caribbean, African, French and Italian music that takes you from a shamrock waltz to a café on the River Seine. There is a sad Irish lullaby, a gentle bopping Caribbean beat and a classic Arabian Nights rhythm. The moods are carefree, happy and sunny as well as easygoing, relaxed and effortless. Featured instruments include pipes, flute, fiddle, acoustic guitar, accordion, steel drum and percussion.
Mixed up World (SM478) is a varied collection of Celtic, Caribbean, African, French and Italian music that takes you from a shamrock waltz to a café on the River Seine. There is a sad Irish lullaby, a gentle bopping Caribbean beat and a classic Arabian Nights rhythm. The moods are carefree, happy and sunny as well as easygoing, relaxed and effortless. Featured instruments include pipes, flute, fiddle, acoustic guitar, accordion, steel drum and percussion.
Mixed up World (SM478) is a varied collection of Celtic, Caribbean, African, French and Italian music that takes you from a shamrock waltz to a café on the River Seine. There is a sad Irish lullaby, a gentle bopping Caribbean beat and a classic Arabian Nights rhythm. The moods are carefree, happy and sunny as well as easygoing, relaxed and effortless. Featured instruments include pipes, flute, fiddle, acoustic guitar, accordion, steel drum and percussion.
Mixed up World (SM478) is a varied collection of Celtic, Caribbean, African, French and Italian music that takes you from a shamrock waltz to a café on the River Seine. There is a sad Irish lullaby, a gentle bopping Caribbean beat and a classic Arabian Nights rhythm. The moods are carefree, happy and sunny as well as easygoing, relaxed and effortless. Featured instruments include pipes, flute, fiddle, acoustic guitar, accordion, steel drum and percussion.
Mixed up World (SM478) is a varied collection of Celtic, Caribbean, African, French and Italian music that takes you from a shamrock waltz to a café on the River Seine. There is a sad Irish lullaby, a gentle bopping Caribbean beat and a classic Arabian Nights rhythm. The moods are carefree, happy and sunny as well as easygoing, relaxed and effortless. Featured instruments include pipes, flute, fiddle, acoustic guitar, accordion, steel drum and percussion.
Mixed up World (SM478) is a varied collection of Celtic, Caribbean, African, French and Italian music that takes you from a shamrock waltz to a café on the River Seine. There is a sad Irish lullaby, a gentle bopping Caribbean beat and a classic Arabian Nights rhythm. The moods are carefree, happy and sunny as well as easygoing, relaxed and effortless. Featured instruments include pipes, flute, fiddle, acoustic guitar, accordion, steel drum and percussion.
Ein emotionales filmisches Stück mit dramatischen Streichern, filmischen Drums und luftigem Gesang. Baut Stärke und Kraft zu einem intimen Ende auf.
Ein dramatischer Pop-/Cinema-Track mit organischen Streichern, melodischem Piano und schwebenden Synthesizern. Stabiler Aufbau mit einem reflektierenden, weichen Ende. Königlich / geschmackvoll / zeitlos.
Ein inspirierendes, cineastisches Pop-/Soundtrack-Stück mit üppigen Streichern, großen Raumtrommeln und emotionalem Klavier. Kraftvoll, dramatisch, nachdenklich.
Ein schneller und positiver, cineastischer Pop-Track mit intensiven Drums, kraftvollen Streichern und erhebenden Synthesizern. Inspirierend / Kraft / filmisch.
Rhythmische Piano-Akkorde geben den Ton zu diesem lässigen Shuffle-Stück an, das sich einfach so entspannt und entspannt anfühlt, dass Sie sich daran erinnern, wie gut es ist, einfach am Leben zu sein. Am Anfang einfach und kindlich, reift es, wenn Bass, Streicher, Glocken, mehrere Schichten von Händeklatschen und Schlagzeug hinzugefügt werden, wodurch Komplexität und Interesse entstehen, ohne das allgemeine Gefühl von Wohlbefinden und Freude zu stören.
Akustikgitarre beginnt dieses Stück in einem einfachen, friedlichen Stil. Sanftes Klatschen und Keyboards werden nach und nach hinzugefügt, um ein vielschichtiges, komplexeres Orchesterstück zu schaffen. Ein sehr visuelles stück, ideal für eine naturszene, neuanfänge, den anbruch eines besseren zeitalters, die regungen einer wunderbaren idee.
Zunächst ein nachdenkliches Stück im Stil einer Klaviersonate, tritt schnell ein starker rhythmischer Puls ein, der die Musik vorantreibt und den Eindruck eines schlagenden Herzens oder eines tiefen Atmens erweckt. Andere Keyboards und Percussion fügen Komplexität und Tiefe hinzu und bringen Sie zu Ihrem endgültigen Ziel. Der denkende Mensch wird sich hinsetzen und zuhören, es beschwört große Ideen herauf, nicht so sehr in ihren frühen Stadien als in ihrer Erfüllung. Könnten für technologisches Wachstum, wahr werdende Träume und abgeschlossene Projekte genutzt werden.
Ein ruhiges, friedliches Hintergrundstück mit Elementen des Wunders und der Schöpfung. äTherische und etwas jenseitige Effekte überlagern ein moderates Trommeltempo und verleihen ihm sowohl Rhythmus als auch Bewegung.
Ein gemäßigtes Country-Rock-Stück mit Biss. Einfach begonnen, mit klimpernder Gitarre und Einzelnotenklavier, geht es in ausgewachsene, orchestrierte Musik mit einer kraftvollen Basslinie über, die die Mitte hinuntertreibt.
Helle, melodische Töne fallen wie Tropfen in einen Pool und erzeugen eine Vision von Echos oder Wellen, die sich ausbreiten und entfernen. Gemäßigter, einfacher Rock-Beat mit einem Hauch von Eleganz, der durch den geschmackvollen, luftigen Synthesizer in Kombination mit Streichern und Piano eingebracht wird.
Easy going, entspannt, keine Sorgen, aber geschmackvolles Reggae-Stück. Vielleicht Strand, Wasser, Rum und Flip Flops, oder einfach Unbeschwertheit und Entspannung.