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A modern electronic corporate track with the vibe of intention, movement achievement confidence and purpose. A car or product commercial. Features a nice piano riff, trumpet and bass over a contemporary drum and sound design bed.
A smooth R n B track with a simple harmonic progression sense of time or waiting.
A quirky contemporary light Christmas holiday track recreating a "jingle bell" like tune in a childish way. perfect for a happy fun festive holiday clip.
A very relaxed jazzy tune. Very cool and laid - back brushed drum groove. Cocktails come straight to mind as well as the deco art era 1930's 40's. Sophisticated and luxurious. Jazz drums, upright bass piano strings vibraphone and smooth sax.
A very steady positive, strong & energetic contemporary track.
Salopper und lässiger Swingbeat, take it easy Mood
Flirrende Soundcollage mit feinen Fills und einem sehr entspannten Saxophon
Clavi and funky drums with sax lines and synth sounds. Great feeling with a slight edge.
Edelmetall im Soundscaping - Breakbeats meets Free Jazz im Tech Step Gewand
Die neuen Abenteuer von Kim und Schluppi im Himalaya
Sanft und schwebend. Ruhiger Steady Groove mit vielen feinen Klanggirlanden unterfüttert.
Smoother Nightclub Burner.
Ob am Glücksrad, beim Lotto oder in der Liebe - diese glücklichen Momente braucht einfach jeder. Die Talkover Version.
Ob am Glücksrad, beim Lotto oder in der Liebe - diese glücklichen Momente braucht einfach jeder.
Im besten Sinne old fashioned, Shaft-Atmo mit blubberndem Groove und den entsprechenden Brass Parts.
Der Titel ist hier Programm - die Combo hat beides vereint, Hochprozentiges mit heiter entspanntem Groove.
Smooth jazz tune played on the sax over an upbeat backdrop of guitars, bass, keyboards and drums. A lively, energetic, and exciting track that introduces improvisatory elements and solo sections as it grooves along in a cool, sleek eighties style.
Smooth jazz tune played on the sax over an upbeat backdrop of guitars, bass, keyboards and drums. A lively, energetic, and exciting track that introduces improvisatory elements and solo sections as it grooves along in a cool, sleek eighties style.
Stimmungsvoller Latin Jazz, von entspannend bis feurig
Leichtfüßiger Groove mit Mystery-Touch
Fröhliche Jam mit der einfelligen Bauchtrommel aus Afrika, rhythmisch, jazzig und gutgelaunt