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Schluß mit Lalala, hier kommt die ultimative Elektro-Pop Reggae Version, minimalistisch mit einer schlüpfrigen Hookline.
Nachts alleine unterwegs auf den Straßen der Großstadt.
The Epic Series is a series of 26 individual music tracks. Semi-orchestral, semi-electronic soundtrack work inspired by Babylon 5, etc. Brooding, pompous, epic, military style. Some of these are grouped together -- i.e. Epic 1 calm, Epic 1 Suspense and Epic 1 Battle use the same instrumentation and underlying tempo, making them work well together. Of course, they work well individually too.
An upbeat military march featuring trumpets, brass and percussion. For a parade or a hero’s welcome.
Ein nachdenklicher und zarter Track mit veränderlichen Pads und Soundscapes, einzigartigen gepitchten rhythmischen Elementen und zeitgenössischem filmischem Sounddesign. Ein Gefühl des Wartens und der Unsicherheit.
Eine Brise frischer Luft füllt ihre Lungen. Sehr cooler und entspannter Laid-Back Track. Ein Urlaubstag auf dem Land, alles läuft nach Wunsch, das Leben ist schön. Auch für gediegene Luxusprodukt Präsentationen geeignet.
Ein nachdenklicher und zarter Track mit leichten Glockenmustern, veränderlichen Pads und Soundscapes, einzigartigen gepitchten rhythmischen Elementen und zeitgenössischem filmischem Sounddesign. Ein Gefühl des Wartens und der Unsicherheit.
A very steady positive, strong & energetic contemporary track.
You sre looking at modern day Bombay with its huge buildings, hundreds of cars and neon signs but the culture and deep history of the land is still visible just below the surface.
You are looking at modern day Bombay with its huge buildings, hundreds of cars and neon signs but the culture and deep history of the land is still visible just below the surface.
The Epic Series is a series of 26 individual music tracks. Semi-orchestral, semi-electronic soundtrack work inspired by Babylon 5, etc. Brooding, pompous, epic, military style. Some of these are grouped together -- i.e. Epic 1 calm, Epic 1 Suspense and Epic 1 Battle use the same instrumentation and underlying tempo, making them work well together. Of course, they work well individually too.
A modern electronic corporate track with the vibe of intention, movement achievement confidence and purpose. A car or product commercial. Features a nice piano riff, trumpet and bass over a contemporary drum and sound design bed.
The Epic Series is a series of 26 individual music tracks. Semi-orchestral, semi-electronic soundtrack work inspired by Babylon 5, etc. Brooding, pompous, epic, military style. Some of these are grouped together -- i.e. Epic 1 calm, Epic 1 Suspense and Epic 1 Battle use the same instrumentation and underlying tempo, making them work well together. Of course, they work well individually too.
A mid paced positive boss nova about enjoyment of life, you might hear this on hold, in an elevator music or at a high class cocktail while sipping on a dry martini. This instrumental features Latin drums / percussion, piano, distant vibraphone, trumpet licks and guitar.
A very friendly slow track. As if waiting for something or someone imagine raindrops rolling down the window. Features ambient bells evolving pad muted trumpet and other sound designs.
Sehr positiver Laid-Back Track mit einem Gefühl von Entspannung, Freude und Genuß. Mit einer launischen Trompete, sanften Pads, modernen Drumloops und gutem Sound Design. Eine entspannende Ganzkörpermassage in einem Spa.
Ein einfacher schneller Twist und RockandRoll Track mit einem lustigen Kindergefühl. Man denkt an Kinder die alberne Dinge tun. Schlagzeug, Gitarre, Rhodes, Synthesizer, Bass, gedämpfte Trompete.
Ein wirklich positiver verjazzter Breakbeat Track mit einer schnellen, zuversichtlichen und energetischen Atmosphäre. Mit: Gitarre, Glocken, Breakbeat, Keyborads, Sound-Design, Synthesizer.
The Epic Series is a series of 26 individual music tracks. Semi-orchestral, semi-electronic soundtrack work inspired by Babylon 5, etc. Brooding, pompous, epic, military style. Some of these are grouped together -- i.e. Epic 1 calm, Epic 1 Suspense and Epic 1 Battle use the same instrumentation and underlying tempo, making them work well together. Of course, they work well individually too.