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229 Gemafreie Musiktitel
315 (GEMA-Repertoire)

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32. Flamenco Tradition 02:13

Authentischer, traditioneller Flamenco im 6/8tel Takt, der sich gut als Hintergrundmusik für Video (Urlaub, Dokumentation über Spanien) oder generell als Musik zum Vertonen eignet. Mit akustischer, spanischer Gitarre, unterstützt von Cajon, rhythmischem Händeklatschen (Palmas) und dezentem Bass. Melancholisch und leidenschaftlich.

Flamenco Tradition - Gemafreie Musik
35. Summer Daze 02:50

A mid-tempo, easy going, breezy chill-out track with a slightly spanish, latin feel. Excellent as background music for any media. Blues inspired guitar solo at about 1:30. There is also an alternative version with more, busier guitar melodies throughout.

Summer Daze
48. holy war 02:51

Moody, vibrant, ethereal, exotic & lively Eastern dramatic track with great tension & underlying sadness & hope. spacey ethnic strings combine with frantic percussion & vocal chants to produce a powerful brew with awesome Middle-Eastern/Arabian flavour & rhythmic grace. would suit documentary/news/cinematic

holy war

The Epic Series is a series of 26 individual music tracks. Semi-orchestral, semi-electronic soundtrack work inspired by Babylon 5, etc. Brooding, pompous, epic, military style. Some of these are grouped together -- i.e. Epic 1 calm, Epic 1 Suspense and Epic 1 Battle use the same instrumentation and underlying tempo, making them work well together. Of course, they work well individually too.

Epic Series - Epic-4-suspense-or-battle
229 Gemafreie Musiktitel
315 (GEMA-Repertoire)
2 >] von 22