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slow, sad & serenely sombre orchestral track. almost a requiem piece. beautiful lush strings intertwine with a steady bass drum pulse to produce a regal and melancholic atmosphere.
Unruhig und leidenschaftlich. Die Suche nach dem heiligen Gral. Oder der verlorenen Liebe. Talkover Version.
Passt zu jeder Geschichte, sei es über Himbeerbienen in Neufundland oder das Liebesleben von Neutrinos, unaufdringlich spacig mit viel Raum für eine Stimme
A laid back guitar melody sings out in this mid tempo traditional jazz track played by a live ensemble with accompaniment from clarinet, drums and bass.
Ein einfühlsames musikalisches Liebestheme gespielt von romantischen Akustik-Gitarren. Sanft, zart und einfach wunderschön, so wie eine kleine Rose!
Unterwasser-Panorama für Traum-Tauchgänge
A sorrowful and bittersweet ballad available with Hebrew vocals, or as an instrumental. A summary of the lyrics; a queen is singing her lament and sorrow, what good are all my riches, when I am so sad? The track has a Middle Eastern or Hebrew, Israeli feel and background. Lament, loss, sorrow, regret. The Instrumental version is good for background for travel, drama, ethnic mood etc.
The Sami, also known as Lapps, are the indegenous people of Northern Scandinavia. Hailing from northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia (the Kola Peninsula), their lives and appearance have a lot in common with Native Americans. Their music is dominated by the unique and easily recognizable Joik (or Yoik) which again lends similarities to the chanting vocal styles of Native American music. It is often accompanied by a simple hand drum beat.
A light and bright instrumental track. Positive, transparent, joyful, relaxed and slightly playful. Happy feelings, things falling into place, safe and sound. Activity, feelgood, uplifting, spirited.
Nachtbummel durch die Clubs einer unbekannten Metropole
Ein Ambient-Hüpfer. Bässe blubbern, Bells klingeln, alles sehr rhythmisch und ausgeglichen
Bonbonfarbene Liebesschwüre als Synth-Pop-Lala Gedicht.
Sanft, verträumt und atmosphärisch - und dennoch ein Rock-Track. Eine gewagte Mischung aus Pink Floyd und Nine Inch Nails. Passend für dramatische und cinematische Projekte.