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Wilder Mix aus Ethno-Voices, Rave-Synths, Breakbeats und Stringpads
Uptempo Heavyrock, treibendes Gitarrenthema, lebendiges Schlagzeug
Extra Large Harter Grundbeat mit schwirrendem Hintergrund, später entstehen aus der Vielfalt auch klare Soundtexturen
An alternative rock track which starts with a quiet and warm sound with guitars and electric piano and gradually builds to a soaring and grand climax.
Cooler Electro/Dance-Track mit positiven Melodien, verspielten Synths und treibenden Beats. Geeignet für Clubs, Action und Sport!
Cooler und grooviger Action-Soundtrack mit rockigen Elementen, Streichern und Bläsern. Super geeignet für Verfolgungsjagden, gewiefte Kommissare, Mafia-Szenen, Gauner und wahre Superhelden.
Schneller Adrenalinstoß mit leichtem ethnischen Flair. Jede Menge guter Gitarrenmelodien, verzerrte Gitarrenriffs, Streicher und bombastisch-dramatische Elemente. Mit Gitarre, Santoor, Bass, Drums und Strings.
Twisted synth sequences get this pitbull of a track moving, then massive guitar riffs crash in with drums and bass to form an irresistible groove. Imagine a cross between White Zombie and Kraftwerk. Contains drums, synth, bass and lots of guitars!
Epic orchestral soundtrack with a powerful driving groove that relentlessly pushes forward creating a feeling of extreme intensity and urgency. Featuring cinematic trailer-esque style production with an exciting, suspenseful buildup to a strong dramatic climax. Good for sports and action sequences.
Drama sei mein Name. Synth-Sequenzen mit fetter Gitarre und ein Monster Drumgroove. Die Intensität steigt, bis sie in der Mitte zu einem Zusammenbruch führt. Gitarren, Bass, Schlagzeug und Synthesizer.
Starts with a twisted and distorted synth drone. pounding drums enter and add to the intensity. Chorus part brings monster guitar riffs which bludgeon you into submission.Track gathers in momentum and intensity towards end when searing lead guitar hovers above the maelstrom. Contains guitars, synth, drums and bass.
Dance lebt! Treibender Beat für Fitness, Workouts, und Training! Typische Voice-Samples und laute Synthis sorgen für die nötige Motivation.
Authentic, uptempo Spanish style. Spanish guitars, percussion, clapping, castanets. Hot blooded.
Das Bass-Thema errinnert stark an einen bekannten Soul-Hit, ansonsten freie Improvisation, gefühl- und stimmungsvoll
A slow but determined, foreboding, cold groove carries through this mysterious, dark track. The backbeat groove keeps pumping away unrelentingly - as strings, pads and synth arpeggios weave swirling patterns around it. Technology, mythology, science, mystery, past and future, high tech, sports, cutting edge, dark past. Similar to the sound of Massive Attack.
A bright and positive pop, light-rock track with an irresistably uplifting chorus part. As the small vocal group 'scats' the vocal chorus, it really does make you feel great. We offer this track with the main melody played by a sax (sax version) or by a guitar (guitar version). Enjoy!
A slamming, hard core rock, electro crossover track. Heavy guitar impact with acidic synths and pumping drums.
Techno pump, retro synths and dance beat. Keywords: Dance, techno, trance, house, beat, club, electronic, electronica, dancing, driving, upbeat, strong, background beat, backbone groove.
hier brennts lichterloh, Metaltrash mit sparsamer Besetzung, aber heftig
Midtempo latin big band tune
A no messing rock and roll track. Straight for the throat. Huge guitars and a massive throbbing beat...all with a slightly unconventional revolving drum feel and eastern style guitar melodies. The tune gets more gradually intense as it goes on. The mid section breaks down to a tribal tom groove until the final chorus section explodes.