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1825 Gemafreie Musiktitel
1992 (GEMA-Repertoire)

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Slow, ('Lent' in French), and free-flowing, this track evokes an almost daydream like state. This is the first of three works to be given the name Gnossienne name by Erik Satie to reflect this new style of composition.

Satie - Gnossienne No. 1 - Gemafreie Musik

One of Chopin's twenty four preludes which starts very quietly. A note repeats like the pitter-patter of raindrops. A more intense section rises like a heavy storm shower before fading away to leave us with the soft sound of the light raindrops again.

Chopin - Prelude Opus 28 No.15 in D flat major (Raindrop) - Gemafreie Musik
49. Beach Party 03:22

Pop Reggae ballad with wah wah guitars and marimba. Slow, swaying feelgood reggae. Caribbean, Hawaiian, Tropical feel, Wah-wah lead lines. Also available as an Underscore version without the main/lead solo guitar lines.

Beach Party

A beautiful, flowing introduction leads us into a magical fantasy. Sweet and tender, this is the first of Debussy's 'Deux Arabesques'. Written in E major and played at a slow tempo it gives a regal, emotional tone. Widely used in popular culture such as in TV themes and advertising. It has also been sampled by Alicia Keys and used in the video game 'Final Fantasy V'.

Debussy - Arabesque No.1 (L.66 number 1) - Gemafreie Musik
1825 Gemafreie Musiktitel
1992 (GEMA-Repertoire)
2 >] von 153