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Spannender, treibender Opener mit vielen Hit Points, vorwärts peitschendem Rhythmus und tiefen Braaaam Bläser Hits ! Lädt zum Experimentieren in der Postproduktion ein.
Spannender, treibender Opener mit vielen Hit Points, vorwärts peitschendem Rhythmus und tiefen Braaaam Bläser Hits ! Lädt zum Experimentieren in der Postproduktion ein.
Leichter, belebter, zurückhaltender, moderner Electro Underscore für Explainer Videos, Event Dokumentationen und futuristische Konzepte. Rhodes Flächen, grooviger Rhythmus und 303 Sequenzen sorgen für einen loungigen, aber dennoch belebten Charakter.
Grooviger und zugleich zurückhaltender, träumerischer Electro mit Lounge Charakter. Perfekt als belebte Unterlage für Event Dokumentationen, Explainer Videos, Technik, Wissenschaft, Forschung, Mobilität, Automotive, innovative Städteplanung, Windkraft, Solartechnologie, Making Of und Showreel.
Die Helden betreten das Spielfeld ! Der Tanz ums Überleben beim Angriff der Terminatoren ! Kompromisslos perkussives Trommelfeuer gepaart mit Elektro Hits.
Positiv, freundlicher, eher cartooniger Orchester Jingle. Vielseitig einsetzbar für Apps, Games, Level Done, Spielshows, Trailer, Spots und lustige Animatics.
Positiv, freundlicher, eher cartooniger Orchester Jingle. Vielseitig einsetzbar für Apps, Games, Level Done, Spielshows, Trailer, Spots und lustige Animatics.
Vielfältig einsetzbarer, seriöser, moderner Business Opener perfekt für Intros, Trailer, Opener, News und sonstige Einspieler. Einsatzgebiete sind zum Beispiel Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Börse, Technologie, Politik, Wissenschaft, Medizin und Forschung.
Entspanntes, bewegtes handmade Pop Underlay mit Ukulele, Live Bass und Schlagzeug für Family Content, Reiseberichte, Urlaub und Bilder von Natur und Landschaft. Ab 1:50 folgt ein reiner Akustik Teil.
Erzählerische Gitarren und Bässe mit hang zum Transzendierenden. Eignet sich wunderbar für Geschichten, Timelapse, Bilder von Natur, Umwelt und Einblicke in faszinierende Nanowelten.
Vielseitig einsetzbarer, grooviger Bass Jam als Unterlage für Dokumentationen, Making Of und locker lässige Stimmungen mit Talk Over Charakter.
Schweben in Zeit und Raum: technisch futuristischer Ambient mit Synthesizer, Flächen und treibenden Beats. Ideale Voice Over Unterlage für technische Dokumentationen, Visualisierungen Satellitenansichten und Bilder von Erdumrundungen.
Willkommen in der Arena! Treibende Rhythmen, zahlreiche Hits, Rises und Effekte als Schnittvorlage für epische Trailer und massive, rhythmische Bildsequenzen.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.
Adventure on the Horizon (SM450) underscores the intense progress through No Man's Land, outraces the competition and spreads the final news of triumph after long conflict. The music tracks are fearless, ambitious, stormy and dynamic. Featured instruments include full orchestra, electric guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards.